P.ne. Sec! Sub Sec Cendit'asns DMH DEA D'lr'Il'S NEMFAA Ce p?a nce Status 3,2 Helder must cn mm ence with the mining eperatiens within a year frem the date en which the mining right bece mes effective in terms ef Sectien 23m ef the Act er any later date as may upen a written request by the He-Iderr be autherited in writting by the Minister in terms ef the Act falling which this right may be cancelied pr suspended. Activity: Hetere 13th June [within ene year at effective date] np pticetien fer estensien ef ccimmencement fer 1 year te be submitted te by 25th 15 3.29 Netificati?n A written netificatien ef cemmencem ent must be given tn the Department he later then feurteen [14] days prier tn the mmrne nce ment e'f the activity- 11 written netificatien ef cemme ntement must be given tn the Natienal Department cif Enyfr?n me n?tasl Affairs prier tn the Item me nce rne nt ef activity- Pending 31 The Previncial Heact must be netifled in writing ene week prierte cemmencement efthe licensed aEti'rity {?ll and again been cempletien ef the activity Pending 1-1 3.15 Management El. Mrs-altering: The must be amended fer best envirp nmenta! amine and submitted 1e Department fer written apprcivai prier te cem mencernent ef activities. ?nce epprb'iredJ the EM Pr must be impteme nted and adhered te- ElvtF'r yet he be Submitted fe app reval 14 3.15 Management Mehitering'. The I'nu st be amended fer best envirenrnental apticin and submitted te Department fer written app reval prier te cemmeneem ent pf activities. Once the must be implemented and adhered tn. tMl?r yet ta be Submitted fer appreval 3t} 1.13.1 Werlc lvtethed Statements . site pia and detaited design drawings fer cc: nstru ctien ef al infrastruct'u re must be submitted te Prevtncial De pertrnent fer written appreval beta re r?r?rnst Pending 31 44 i Ari Envire nrnentat Centrel thicer must be appointed and hershe will he respensiele fer Ap painted and appreved 14 315 me nitering_ef the affected area s- The ECU shall be respensib-Ie fer esta btishrne at and management at envirenmentel cemmittee that shall be established cn nsiructian and eperatian phase at the project. Elv'lIE net yet appninted 15 3.16.2 The Member ef EMC must be appreved by Department in writing te cpmmence me nt ef activity; Under precess 15 3.15.3 The Perpese, ?uted mes. Rule and Functiens at the EMC must be submitted te the department ter appreval brie-r tn the cernrnerl ce me nt et the activity: Pending 13 3,5? destre ctien ef indige neus pretected and endangered pier-it and animal species. A permit be thE malanga Teerism and Parks regency fer the remeval nr Applicattpn submitted 13 1E- time fer them In Ian their agricultural activities. 18 355 Liaisen with In ch nersffa rm managers is te be dene prier te censtru etipn in ertler te pruvide Dene A "Fla nt Rescue and Pretectien" plan with specific feces cIn cense rving impertent species frem amas te be transfermedi must be cempiled by an eceiegical specialist and be submitted t?g?ther With the Maintenance Management Planter appreval prierte the cemmencement nf anv ir-I'rnn artisritE Dene 11 A Ste rm Water Management Plan mu st be cernpiled and Submitted tn the Previncial Heed fer 'tena reval re a cemmence. 1? nppreved The wetland specialist must carry but qua rte rly audits cut the wettan ds and the repent must be submitted tn the department and atse be ta bled fer disce ssien at the EMC meetings. sending Anni I "l Mm DEPARTMENT: MINERAL RESDURGES REPUBLIC DF SUUTH AFRICA MINING RIGHT Grant?d in terms. of sentinn cf the Mineral and Petmleum Hesnurneis Act, 2002 [Am Na. 23 Inf TABLE CIF CDNTE HTS Heading Gla Prea mhie De?nitions Deseri ptlon of the Minln g?rea 1 Granting of Mining Right 2 Commencement. Duration and Renewal 3 Amendment, 1 Ill'ariatlon and Abandonment 4 Payment of Flora itiee 5 Faym ent of Interest 5 Room otiona and Dhiigationa imposed on the Holder 1' Conditions on disposal of minerals and or produote derived from mining Mortgage, Transfer, and Alienation 9 Froleotion of Boreholes. Shafts. Anita. and Exoevetlona 1i] Holder?s hility for ?u mpenoation l?ur Loss or ?amage 11 lnepeetlon of Mining Area 12 ?anoeilation or Suspension of Mining Right 13 Fieoorcie and Fleturne 14 Mlniater'a liability for payment of com pensatlon 15 Compliance with the Lane of the Republic 15 Provisions relating to Section lid} and it} of the not 11' Sociaiancl Labour Plan severe hility 15 olta ncicl et executandi El] Goats 21 a . gt: honing Right: Slanted in terms ol'Seotion 2:3 onne Aenerei andFetrolleum ?eeooroea Damiopmenmor, No. 2.5 ofz??i' 9/ l-iihfi. SIT RED ihl THF MiNE?-?ll. PFFRULELJM T?L?fii Ht. mi UFF: ll'ttile regig. mf m?r?kk' Elli Iiil:? dag..- nfi?i??E EH?ng UrlderMPI tie? -1'E3'j2?i are . pp Hr Protocol his: 501: ems File Ref hlo Application hie 1DDEEMH LET IT BE HADE KN OWN: THAT on this 23 day cf June in the veer 2MB. before me. Matslepane Titus Mphela hioteriir F'uhiic. duly sworn and admitted. rue-siding and practising st Withank. in the Mpumalanga Province of South Africa. and in the presence of the subscribing competent witnesses. personals.r came and appeared: Eytvis Ens psi Acting. Reg ionsl Manager. Mpumslan gs Region of the De ps rtrnent of Mine-rel Resources. and es such'in his .i her capacity as the ti'uljir authorise-ct representative of: THE MINISTER MINERAL The ssici Hegicnsi Manager. being duly authorised thereto under and by virtue of Power of Attorney by the DIRECTOR-GENERAL of the Espedment of Miners] Resources on the Bit day of June in the year 2015 in terms of the powers delegated by the Minister on the 12?? day of May Elli?at in terms of section the it} of the Act. (Q. Motrin Right: Grantees! terms cf?scticn 23 attire Wnsmi end Rescurces ?eveiopmentvtet his. 23 era-cos eff I . AND Praveer Tripath'r as the company's representative, the dulv authorised representative of Atha Africa Registration number4,315 111 {Hereinafter together with histhen'its successors in title and assigns referred to as "the Hotder". hetshe, the said representative. heing duty authonst'ad thereto under and tn.r virtue of a power of attomevtresolution of of the Helder, signed or passed at Johannesburg on the as day of April in the veer sets which power of attomey.r or a certi?ed copy of a resolution has this day-been exhibited to me, the notary, and remain filed of record in my protocol with the minutes hereof.) AND THE AND HDLDER DEGLARED THAT: WHEREAS The State is the custodian of the Nation?s mineral and petroleum resources in terms of section 3 of the Act. AND WHEREAS The Holder has apptieo for a mining right in terms of section 22 of the Act. AND WH EREAE The HAL ot the Elena rtment of Mineral Resources has by virtue of . powers delegated to him, granted to the Holder. a mining right in terms of section 23(1) of the net. NOW THE MINISTER GRANTS A RIGHT SUBJECT TD THE TERMS AND EUNDITIDNE: a; Cash earring Right: Gran-ted in teams ofSeoiI'oo 2'3 of the Moore! and Penn?s-um Devetoomenteot. Ho 23 of 5 at?! it Definitions in this mining rightI the following words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned to the m: ?Act' means the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act. EDGE {Act 23 of zoos} and includes the Regulations, guidelines, circulars. directives and orders made in terms of that Act; ?Eti?ecttve date' means 23 dav of June in the vear 2016 [being the date on which the environmental maoag ement programme is approved in terms of section ?eet} of the Act}; Environmental Management Programme? is as defined in the Act and includes anv other Environmental Management Programme approved in terms of the previous mining legislation; ?Financiat vear' means a complete ?nancial vear of the Holder which. at the time of the granting of this mining n'ght. commences on at dav of 'h'iarch in the vear ems,- and ends on 23 dav of Februerv in the veer 2H1 it; ?Hotder? is as de?ned in the Act, and speci?caiiv in relation to this right, it means Atha Africa 'v'entore?Ftv] Ltd, Registration Noilde nti?cetton No soososorssor; ?l'tll'inerafr is as defined in the Act. and speci?callv in relation to this rig ht means Coal; Area' is as de?ned in the Act and inciudes anv additional area of environmental as mav be re?ected on the Environ mentai Management Programme relating to this right: *Mr?ning right? is as defined in the Act and includes all the Anneiiures to it. agreements and inclusions ov reforence; ??ttningr Work Programme' is as de?ned in the Act and as re?ected in the attached Annexure I: to this mining right: 'iiftnister' means the tvlinister of tvlineral Resources and includes the successors in title. the assignee or anv person dulv authorised to act in the Minister's place and stead; ?Regtonal Manager' is as defined in the Act and speci?callv in rotation to this right means the Regional Managerfor the Mpomalanga Region of the Department of Mineral Resources; and ?Socr'at and Labour Pian', is as contemplated in regulation 45 of the Regulations to the Act and is as reflected in the attached Annexure to this mining right. Q11 L. Mining Rig-Pit Granted to terms of Section .23 of the .I't-tr'nanef ano? Petroleum Resources Both-operant Act. fiio. 25 ofEiS'tJE' Ash. I 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 4.1. a. Maine new. Granted in teens efSectieri 23 ?fths Mii'rerei and Pew-ileum Referees ?eveidpment Act Ne. EEWEDDE .35} Descriptien ef the Mlning Area The Mining Area shall cemnrise the fciiewing: Cenein: the farms Eleemhef 52 HT. Geedgevenden BE HT, Hremheeti; 53 HT, Pertien ?let the farm Heuwgevenden 110 HT, Paerdeitep 109 HT, Uitzleht 103 HT, Pertlen 2 and the Remainlng extent at the farm ?v'an ?er Weltepeert lit HT, I v'irginie 51 HT, Pertien 1 and the Extent ef the farm 55 HT and Eeetfentein HT Situated: Men melenge MegisterialiAdministrative District ef Watcherstreem Measuring: t] 352, $153 hectares in extent. {In the case cf varietrs farms being inveived. a list can be attach Eitl and referred In as An netwre Which Mining Area ls described in detail en the attached Dleg remipian merited An nexere B. Granting ef Mining Right Witheut detracting frem the brevlsiens ef sectiens 5 and 25 cf the Act, the Minister grants tn the l?telder the sets and exclusive right te mine. and recever the minerali's in. en and under the mining - area fer the Heider?s ewn benefit and account. and te deal with, remeve and sell er etheiwise disnese cf the mineralis. subject tn the terms and cenditiene at this mining right. the grevisiene cf the Act and any ether relevant law in ferce fer the duratien at this right. Gemmencement, Duretien and Renewal This mining right shall eemmenee en DB June 2015 and. unless cencelied er suspended in terms clause 13 cf this right and er sectien 4? cf the Act. wili centihue te be in ferce fer a peried cf 15 years ending en ti? June 1030. The i-lelder must cemmehee with the mining eperatiene within a year frem the date en which the mining right effective in terms ef sectien 23 at the Act. er any later date as may, ugen a written request by the Helder. be euthcrised in writing by the Minister in terms at the Act. failing which this rig ht may be canceiled er suspended. Any applicatien fer renewal must be submitted tn the Regienel Manger net later than ?e wanting days nrier tn the date at expiry at this right. Amendments, 'tl'ertetien and Abendenment The terms at this right {including by extensien cf the area severed by it er by the edditlen et minerals er a share er shares er seems. mineralieed bedies. er strata. which are net at the time the subject thereet} may net be amended er varied witheut the written ennsent cf the Minister. ?st/3D ?it 5""i "1 . - 4.2. 4.2.1. 4.2.2. 11.3 5.1. 33 Mining Right: Granted in teens oISserioi-r 23 orthe Minerai and Petmi'ec'rn Prawn-systems! Act. No. 99o} 9999 The Holder shall be entitled to abandon or relinquish the right or the area coyered by the right entirely or in part. Upon abandonment or relinquishment cf the mining area or any portion thereof. the Holder rnust: Furnish the Regional Manager with all prospecting and For mining results andior infom'istion. as It-ieil as the general evaluation of the geological. geophysical and borehole data in respect of such abandoned area in so far as it applies to the mineral or any other mineratis obtain ed in respect of this right and. Apply for a closure certi?cate in terms of section 43 cf the Act. With effect from the date the Holder has abandoned or relinquished a portion or portions of the mining area. and subject to section 43 of the Act. the Minister is entitled to grant any right. permit. or permission referred under the predicate. so abandoned or relinquished, to any personi's. Fayme nt of Royalties The Holder shall as contemplated in section 25 {2.1 pay to the State throughout the duration of this mining right. royalties payable in terms of any Act or Amendment to an Act of Parliament implemented. Payment of Interest It mining fees. any fees. any law. rcyaities or consideration referred to in clause 5 are not paid punctualiy. the Holder shail be in more and shall pay interest thereon at the rate prescribed in - techs of section 39 of the Public Finance Management Act. 1999iAct 'l of 1999} reckoned from the date on which payment is clue and payable. to the date of actual payment Restrictions and ns Imposed on the Holder The Holder is entitled to the rights referred to in section 51:2}. and section 95 of the Act. and such other rights as may be contained in this mining right or such other right as may be granted to. acquired by or conferred upon the Holder by any other applicable law. Mining operations in the mining area must be conducted in accordance with the Mining Work Programme and any amendment to such Mining Wort: Programme and an Enyircnmental Management Plan. The Holder shall not trespass or enter into any homestead. house or its curtilage nor interfe with or prejudice the interests of the occupiers andior owners of the surface of th iniri?a . at? 3 except to the extent to which such interference er prejudice is fer the purpeses of enabling the Held er in exercise the Helder's rights under this mining right. @333? Mair-pg Hem: Grentse?r?n terms sf Seem-1 23 ems-s ?hem! and Pelrm'eum Reseurees Demispment?sr. 11-h. 23 misses 9.1 9.2 1-1. 11.1. Conditions on disposai of Minerals andi or Products ?artyed from Mining It is a condition of the granting of this mining right that the Holder shafl dispose of all minerals andir or prodsots derived from the exploitation of the minaret at orioes which shall mean in all oases. non-disoriminatory prices or non-export parity prises. if the minerals are sold to any entity. anion is an affiliate or non-attitisted agent or subsidiary of the Holder. or is directly or indirectly controlled by the Holder. sush purohaser must unconditionally undertaite in writing to dispose of the minerals and any produots produced from the minerals. at sompetitiye marltet prises. Mortgage. Cession. Transfer. Alienation This mining right. a shareholding. an equity. an interest or in the right or ioint venture. or a oontrolling interest in a company. slose corporation or joint venture. may not be encumbered. eeded. transferred. mortgaged, let. sublet. assigned. alienated or otherwise disposed of without the written oonsent of the Minister, except in the ease of a change of sontrolling interest in listed oompaniEs. Any transfer. enoumbranoe. session. lettingr sub-ietting. assignment. alienation or disposal of this right or any interest therein or any share or any interest in the Holder. without the oonsent of the Minister referred to in seotion 1?11,r is of no foroe. no effeot and is inyaiid. Protection of Eoreholes. Shafts. Edlts and Openings. All boreholes. shafts. edits. excavations. and openings sonic or made. by the Holder during the ourrenoy of this mining right shall be sealed. oiosed. tensed. made safe by the Holder in with the approved Enyironmental Management Programme: the Mine Health and Safety ?rst. 1995 or any other eppliseble laws and Regutation s. Holder's liability for payment of Compensation for Loss or Damage Subleot to seotios 43 of the set. the Holder shall. during the tenure of this right while carrying out the mining operations under this right. take at! such neoessary and reasonable steps to adequately safeguard and protest the environment. the mining area and any personis using or entitled to use the surfaoe of the mining area from any possible damage or injury assooiatsd with any aetiyities on the mining area. reeks JD Right: Granted in terms orFSeoi'ion 2?3 dime ill-?esta} sno'Fatr-oisem Hes-awed Deb?sig?wsnf? Act. No. 25? M2002 es . it? mt? 13. 13. 13.1.1 13.1.2 13.1-3 13.1.4 13.1.5 13.1.3 13-3 13.3-I 13-3.3 13.3.3 13-3.4 13-3.5 13.3 113 Should the holder tail to take reasonable steps referred to above, and lo the extent that there is legal liabilityI the holder shall compensate such person or persons for any damage or losses. including but not limited to damage to the surface, to any crops or improvements. which such person or persons may suffer as a result of. arising from or in connection with the exercise of hisr'her rights under this mining rig ht or of any act or omission in connection therewith. Inspection of Mining Area The Minister andi'or any person duly authorised thereto in writing by the Minister shall be entided to inspect the mining area. the Hclder's mining operations and the execution of the approved Environmental Management Programme on the Mining Area as provided for in the Act. and any instruction conveyed in writing by the Minister to the Holder requiring the proper performance by the Holder of the Holder's obligations under this mining right shall be put into effect by the Holder in terms of the Act. Ga noellation or Suspension Subject to section at? of the Act. this mining right may be cancelled or suspended if the Holder: Submits inaccurate. incorrect and or misleading information in connection with any matter required to be submitted under the Act; Fails to honour or carry out any agreement. arrangEment. or undertaking. including the undertaking made by the Holder in terms of the Broad Eiased Scclo Economic Empowerment Charter and Social and Labour plan. on which the Minister relied for the granting of this right: Breeches any material term and condition of this mining right; Conducts mining operations in contravention of the provisions of the Act; Gontrave use the requirement of the approved Environmental Management Frog ramme; or venee any provisions of this Act in any other manner. Before the Minister console or suspends this right. the Minister shalt: Give written notice to the Holder indicating the intention to suspend or cancel this right; Give reasonis why the Minister is considering the suspension or cancellation of this right; Give the Holder 33 days to show reasons why the right should not be suspended or cancelled; Notify. the mortgagee [If any]. of the intention to suspend or cancel this right; and Direct the Hold er. where it is possihie to remedy any contravention, breach or failure. to corn ply or to talre such speci?ed measures to remedy any contravention. breach or failure to comply. If the Holder does not talte the measures as specified by the Minister to remedy a contravention. breach or failure. the Minister may cancel or suspend this right after considering rapresentations em ?137'. made by the Holder in terms of clause 13.2.3. Hiring Right: Gran-fed in teens 23 ofthe i'rli'neraiand Petroleum Resources Developmentki. i'v'c. 25 of Edd? Ila-72:) 11 14. Recerds and Returns 14.1. The Helder shall maintain ail such heel-ts. plans and in regard te mining en the Mining Area as may he required by the Aet and shail furnish te the effree at the Hegienal Manager such reperts and easements as may he releya nt under this right. fit}: The Helder shall furnish is the Ftegienal Manager all such returns eentemelated In sectien as [at A er the Act net later than the is? day ef the mehth renewing the menth in respect at which it was repertedt 14-3 The Helder shalt furthemiere at the end ef each year fellewing cemrnencement at this mining right, Warm the Ftegienal Manager in writing at any new developments and ef the future mining activities planned in cennectien with the eirpleitatienimining ef the minerals en the hiining Area. 15. Ministe r's liahility fer Cempensatien The Minister shalt net at any time he liahle er respensihle fer the payment ef cernpensatieh ef whateyer nature te the Helder, the Helder's er etesigr?ieer er any persen as a result at the granting at this right. 15. Cemplle rice with the Laws ef the Republic The granting at this Ftight, dees net exempt the Hetder and its in title assigns irem cemptying with the relevant pretrisiens cf the Mine Health and Safety Act. {Act ?edit at 19%} and any ether law in fame in the Republic ef Seuth Africa. Preylslens relating tel eestieh ltdthe furthering ef the ehjects at this Aetr the Heider is heuntl by the preyisiene at an agreement er arrangement dated MIA MIA entered inte hehhreen the Helden' empewering partner and HM {the empewerment partner} which agreement er arrangement was talten inte censideratien fer purpeses ei' cempliance with the requirements ef the Act and er Bread Based Ecenemic Empewern?ient Charter deyeleped in terms ef the Act and such agreement shall ferrn part at this ?ght 18. Seetal and Leheur Plan 13.1 The heider must annually, net later than three menths tiefere the end at its financial year. submit detailed implementatien plan te give effect te Regulatien in line with the Eecial and Leheur Plan. the? Mining Right: Granted in lanes cf-Ssctien 23 cfti're Mheraiand Petretetrm Easemees Dewiepriierit Act, He. seerEtJEiE -35 a est - 13.2 19. 2D. 20.1. I2 The helder must annually, net later than three menths after tihaiisatien at its audited annual repert, submit a detailed regert en the impiementatien ef the previeus year's assist and labeur plan. Nebviti'istanding anything to the any previsien at this mining right which is santrary ts any brevisien at the ?rst er which Is etherwiss ultra virss, null and veid, veidable, or unenforceable. shall be severabie from the rest at this right. sueh rest thus being and remaining bf fuil fares, effect and enforceable. ?emleliia sits ndi at. eased tandi The parties berets cheese the felievnng addresses as their demibii'ia errandi et executsridi and far all purpeses arising this mining right. in particular fer the eurpeses of serving sf any nbtiee in terms el? this mining right. and any netibe prbbedy addressed tn the under men?ensd pestal addresses sf the parties shall be deemed ts have been by the addressee within 14 days if given in writing and pasted by prepaid registered pest addressed to the addresses at the relevant postal address: 331.1. in the ease Elf the Minister. Physical Address Pestai assess? Frevinee Heuse Private Bag HITS Entire and Paul Kruger Street WITEAHH WITEAHH Edda 1935 was Tel D13 5551*? D13 5551443 Fat-t D13 55E D932 . U13 BEE #932 Elli .2. In the ease ef the Halider. Physical Address Pastel Address Fleur, Sinnsteel Plaza P53 Be: 1569 155 Hivenia Read Memingside sass 2144 :1 er - a ewes: Mir-tidal Rigid. Granted in terms ef Seems 23 affine and Petmieum Heseumes Develebmeni Ant. Ne. 23 is 'Is -. 20.2. EELS 20.Tel 011 T341335 D11 Fa: tin-i res use 011 NET .-.- Meteilhstanding anything tc the centrary herein contained, a written netice er ccmmunicatien actually received by a party at any piece ether than the chesen dcmiciria ciiahdi er executahdi' shall censtitute adequate nctice er cemmunicatien to the party nehvithstending that it was net sent tc er delivered at such party's chesen demi'cr'ir'un?i citandt' at executand't Either party shall he entitled ircm time to time is change the citend?i' et? executahdi' er peetel address furnished ahcve after giving at least ?14 days pricr written netice ct such change tc the ether party. failing which the shave mentien ed eddmsEes will remain in terse. Any written netice er cemmuniceticn eentemcleted in this clause which is rewarded by use party tc the ether by registered pest wilt be presumed tc have been received by the addressee en the fcurteenth dey fellewing the date at nesting frern an address within the Republic et? Seuth Africa te the addressee at the pcstal address at the addressee fer the time heing as determined in accerdence with the crevisiens citE this clause. {tests The HcIder shall pay all ecsts and charges incurred In cennectien with the execution and registratien ef this prospecting rig ht. Thus dcne and signed at Withentr en the EB day at June in the year EMS in the presence cf the undersigned witnesses: g?kiittueit -. WITNESS: he Fer and en hehalf at the Heldgr Mining Right: Grantedie teens cf-Eectien 23 er'the Mineral and Petreteum Heseuress DelvEIe-pmeni' Act. his. 25 arm e" HE, H. . . 33:1 ?mmuz w? I 1'31" Ham, 15E Ftl'u'E . AFRICA and [11 ES (n?tmnd . . . . . Emu-2? 11 . ?Habitat!? "Dizmaf?m??im . . . .. DatE'.? 22 JUNE ?t?EEr FtEf. MP The HEnEurehle Mtnleter et Mineral HeaeurEee ME. EwEne FE Melntie StreEt I - - IreuEEnE I '2 Sunny-Elite . .CE: TEE HEgienel ??epertntent .Ef Minerel SEEeweye Crescent .?EEttre I . Mandela tees HAN-D IN E.F- EF MINERAL FETHDLEUM: EET. TE EHTENE - EEMMENEEMEMT EE MIMNE EPEEATIEHE . . II HErEwlth MlntEtErlEt requtrEE in tErmE E't SeetiEE 25 .ET 315- I "1 Em EEHE app'?ca?nn r" I lad-2'3 I. f' 55HERE .I fE'ithfullyr. ?m?hed hereto EIEE EEI: EE4 trinEthIt?'E?rhEnml In 'Ln' I I MurriingsitirarSaridturi,2144 We UREE. - . ergaium. - ?r?eur Fief.? DGEQMH ear Fie?i: TD, 'The HenearahteiMinleteref MineraiFiesHurses . 'Mr. MesebenziJeseph Ewane . . - - 1 .I - Heinrge Street TreiIanrIH-Gampue I Sunnyside The 'Hegienal Manager '?epHrti'nent Hf Minerat Fiesearees HaiIinays- lii'riissier'eI-It lHentre 'Man?etH EiriIre I I'Hes Sit, . HEHUEHT IN HF HINEHAL HNH. .HEHHLIHHEH HHT eeHs - HF MINERAL HEHIHH FHH - HF. HFHIHH LIMITED RIGHT MP H?f?itiziizii?i iGHriiHany reHistratiHn He 1_?Hrtha?H_r referred to as ?Hen?ips?y'f. 're'preeHi'Iteei by Mr Tripathi' In his Hapasity _3 I 235 -'_th_IH SHi'iiHr ?iI?ise President he being achHrised herete lay a F-ieselutien at the I I: . Hi .the Eempiany passed an 19 June as Hnnei-Iuie HI annexed I II hereie}. herewith request the I-ieneerabie Minister Hf Mineral FtesHurees' in grant ie termsj :H't . -_-e_eetieh Hi the Mineral and Petmletii'n- _HesHt'Irees- DHVHiepr-Ient an extension te the Dempsey Hi we {11-yeHr before sehtmeneem?iifii Hf mitten-:1 Hreriuetien in terms Hi the Cempeny' Mining Right "?155 a: - - . - . .-. Ell" Fin-Hr, Plait-tie; 159 itrzuaiiLi'L I Flder PlazaJ 159' Read} I'm M?rnEnEE-id?y Sandman, 2144 ELLE FURES Tel: 11.:teer51ee5 __thtd . Fett.? 11- tee-ma? Hegletratiah I .in 2. MDTWATEUN SUPPORTING THE REQUEST 2.1. 'The Eempeny wee i-eeued the reietlant Mining Fiight an tat hprii 2315 end the Mining Hight wae dually eIteeuted err 23 June 20th. Tire Mining Hight a?ee?eer en the date the wae appreve-d which wee en 23 June 2d15 and pet definitien- lenihg: .eperatiehe neede ta eemmenee by June 2131?. Due te ertter'hai iaetere dlrte'ide the pentrai at the Gempeny. the Eetepehtr reepeettlriltr euhmite that it will net he in 'a peeltidn td edmmenee with mining eperetiene en the 22"?et .iLIr're the reaedne: The Erwirenmehtal Authdrieattdh far the ?r?zermyn Undergreur?ld l[Zeal Mine granted re wee ieetred an at? .lune. eete be the Mpumellenga. Department at Agriculture, Deveiepment Land and Eneirenntantel h?e?rre en hppeei egainet the grant at the Eli-i. wee ledged hr,r the Centre- ter Entritennterttei Fiighte and ti ethere en 12 euguet 211116. The eppeei .egainet the grant at EA. wee. iadged under the 221d 'eppeal het ea? 1. 2. The Water Lieenee wae granted te 2.2M en 1? huguet 21215. The eame wee - - I- Appeeied hp EEFI aetirtg er'l behalf et Ite clients an 2215 Thte had the immediate etteet at euepending the Water ILiee Lieenee train that day'elee needed a permiee'lph tIl'lder. et Nemeae he the ?eeinet Minietere reepeneihie fer Entrirenrneht and tar i'u'iineral te with mining aetwitlee within a Preteeted ehd thie apprehei wee phtaihed en 21 Newemher 2016. . 2.1.4. eae'euhmleea a meagre: te the _Henerahie Mirtieter e_wee'_ea I ert'de January. 2121? te hpl'i'ftiithe: atrtemetie euepe?eidn The I'itT'iir-Iieter ueing' her I - . Iatatetngr mandated pewere _dpt'rfied the eutematle euepeheleh- at _the Water Use- L.ieenee en 24 Mereh 2131?. 2.1.5. The Appeal autamatie _ef and aerate in 'dhteihihg appretrale In terme at the and permieeidrl. wreaked hEW?l: with the planning at eer?emeh'eemeht activities- - delayed the eerrtmetteeh'rentet mining aperatia'ga 1 1 11' Stn11t1El Plaza 151111111 F1111, - 1111111 111' RICA 111111111311111111111 1111 11111111111111.1111 . 1 1111111111 111- 1111 . Registration Nd: 20111111111111.5113? I I - I I 11-111111111111111 11 1111 1111111111111111 ti'1lay1. 1.11.1 11 111111 1111111131 11111111111 11111111112 . ta 111111111111 11 the 'releuant authnriaatiana, 111111 11 eemmeneement 1111 11111 111111111 1111111111111. 2.3. {31111111111 15 111 the E1. 111111 11111111 1h1 111111111 "1111111111111 1 11111111111111; T111 I 1111.111 11 1111111111131 111 11111 11111111111111! 11111111 aner 1111111111111 11 111 11111111? 111111111 1:11:11 11 11mm1n11m1111 11? 1111111115. 13111 3111111111 1111 1111111 11 11111111111111 1111' 111111111 11. T1111 p1eparati?n 11 the EMP: 11111111111111.1111 after th1 11111111111 11 th1 autumaiic 11111111111 11 WUL 1J1 th1 Minister 111 Wat11jja'nd Sanitat'mn 1h 21 March 2111 The ie 11? 111111 [11 1119111111111 11 1111111111 11 11 1111111111111 11 the r1l111111 1111111111111 111 11111111 1111111 th1 11111 11111111 2011 I 2.4. Enni?i1ten 3.15 11 th1 EA 111111 11111 1111111111111111 E111111m1htal E11111l [1111111 111 appointed and "1111 EEO 111111 11 1111111111111 111 11111111hm1h1111 1111111111111 11' 51111111111111 13111111111111 11111111 111111 11 1111111111111 1111111 {31111111111111 and 0111111111 11111111 11 the 11111111." T111 EGG h11 ain11 th1h 111111 - 1111111111 and 1111 11111111 11111 111 1111111 11 11111111 dapartmahm and etakeheitiers 1I1 - 11111111111111m1mb1r11111h1 E11113. Eizstiftlandltiah 11. 1.1.2 11 the E111 111111 "Th1 1111111111 11 1111111 11 1111111111 1:111 1111111111111 1'11 11111111 111111 11 111111111111111 11 11111111." This pr1-11mm1h11m1ht 111111111111 11111 111111 11111111 I 2.131311111111111 11115? 11'1he E1 111111 '11 11111111 1111111 11 1111111111 11111 1111 11111111111111 111111111111 111111311111 1111111 1111 1111 111111111 11' 1111111111111 11 1111111111111 1111111111 and 111111911111 11111 and 11111111 11111111. ?Th1 1111111111111 111 th1 p11mi1 has 111111 1111111 1111.11 i1 111 awaiting approvai. 2.1. Glandular: 11 1:11 the 148 app1tntra 111111 1111111 11111111111111 111 111111111111111 1111111: -: I 11 111-1111 1'1 111 111111111-111111?111111 11' E111111m11111' 14113111 111111 11 [1111}? I - 11111111111111111 11 11 3111 11 1211111111 '_11'11i111n E11111 111 1111? 3 - 1111111 111111111 31111111 1111 EMF-1 11111111 11 in 2.1111111 has 1111 311111111 1111111111111" I and 1111111111111- 2.31. 131111111111 3.21 1111 E11 111111 1111111 1h1 h1ading ?11111111111111 1'1 1111111111111: 11 11111111: I 1111111111111 11' 11111111111111111 1111.111 11 1111111 11 1111 [1111111111111 111 11111 111111 1111111111 1'11} days 11111 1'1 111 11mmei111men1 11' 1111 1111111111.? 11.1.11 i1 _111 11 1111 wriltan nntificati-an 1111 11:1 1111 EME- FICFE being 111111111 1111: and the EMFI 11111111 11 in 2.1 1.111111 1? 1.1.1 . g, I . h11 1111111111111 au 1111111111 111 111111.111. ti: . Finer Sinpeteel Pieed 155i l'tiupnle lined - ?rlif?: Ai? RICA Morningeide 2144 1 Tel: 1-2? 11 ten?teen {Pull-lentil tee: Int 11 ten. MEI Reminded-hp. . . {?13 'r .L?ii-J? 3. Cenelueipn Hi. In light hi the eheuementlened. it ie respectfully submitted that it ie tp penelude that due in uncertainties puteide the pt new I'eieted tn the uerieue -epprpIIel whiph were pnlt.r ?nelieed the end pt Neuentieer Elii?. end then due in the eutdntetie euepeneipn pi the WUL which wee pnltI uplifted in ime March 201?, end elep due tn the inherent ppnditipne pf the venpue epprpuelewhiph the MU ie etriuing hetd- tp pernpitr with the 'Epr'npenp will net he in tp with ite n'Iining ppetetlpne en the pt June 201?. Gpneeguentieliy Mil? reepeetiulty regueete the hiinletet tp epneidet the requeet en exteneidn pt ene yeer hetpre AW Zhee ip with its mining pperelipne in terme pf lte Mining F-ilght Tetrne end Epnditipne. We trLIet that-yep will find the in under. FHAVEEH VICE PRESIDENT Cell: GTE enn Em?ii': . Attachment: enneI-turen (?lms; Ext! 515 :4 - l-?Icitirr Sinusteel Plate, I159 Hitter-lie Ftcla?x': I ATHA- Mtirningsicle, 214M I i ll [11115 - 11 ie4~1ees {Psi ileum . Fat-t: +2 1' 11 tree-r - - -itl_ lctraticn Hp. THE acne-en er eieec'rpes pr ATHA paci?st NUMBER TAKEN AT JDHANMESBURG Dl'tl 19TH 201? - lT ?tn'egttesmaiep: THAT 1. The temp-any ledges an 'applica'tlenwith the Department of Mineral _lieseurces [Mp-Limalanga iteglen situate-2i 'at-Ernalahlenijl fer Ministerial Autherl'seticrn in terms - e??ectipn 151:1}th cf the Mineral and Petroleum iteseurces DevelppmentAct {Act 23 (if te extend the cpmmencement of mine prnductien _in respect of the . effective date [if MP a?fsfiflg?lfl?EIEEMH executed on 23 June- I2D1t?i. 2. The ttcirnpansr herein.r autherises Mr. Praveer Tripathi, Senicrr tilce President of the Company: to sign all decuhtentatieh as rnasr he requ'red effect to the -. abatementiened application and he represent the Company: threug?heut the - prhcesaing cf the- applicatian HEALJHAVATHA . . . Wining/eat}: .eleecrpe - Muh?ew . it? WW5 emectee I eel; 3' agriculture. rural derele meet, land at entrirenrnental a lre Np. E. Np. Tm Eeute'u'ard. Flhlerelde Pater. 12m. Mpurttetenge Freetnee PM Ben ?11215. tape Tel: {eta} Tee matte. Fe: {eta} TEE Tel: net tea were. are Fax: Mt tee L?ekullma. Huttutfuktm Hangman-lam tandheu. weIe-ltmp Taeemeltnevm ten'ntepe um?, Etntwittheling. Litu'mtdhuttliewe hweeNdewe aemettheea. Hmeimn??zm Grand en ?ngewtng Elelte ltrlerhl deehe. aeEheduhtlte Enqut?? Ilium 3 Telephem uaeraeet RIF-Helen 1W3 53-131 ?urgent Muneamy Athe Atrtee Venturee {Hy} Fleet. Eineeteel Plaza 2144 Feet :t Dear Sir, AFFIJEATIDH FDR EHVIHDHHEHTAL AUTHDHISATIUH THE HEDGIATED WITH THE UHDERERDLIHEI BUM. HIHE LDEATED FARMS AT MAEULA UNDER THE DF HA EEME LGEAL HFUHALAHGA PRDVIHEE. With referenee te the eteevernentiened epplteattem lee adrteed that the Department hee deetded te gent etdherteetlen. The envirenrnentel eutherteatten and reaeena fer the ere Etta-?it! herewtth. In terme ef reguletten 1Gt2} ef the Enttnenmental Impact Regutetiprte. 2131!]. yam ere Inetreetee te netthr eil regteteree intereetee ehe erreetee pertiee. In writing and witt?n 12 days ef the date at this letter. at the Department's tteeieten in er yuur epetieetien as well ee the the melting pf appeale that are preetded fer in the regulatiene. Yeur ettentien is drawn te Chapter ef Ihe Regutettene. I.ht'tittl't regulates eppeel Should you wjeh te eppeel any.I eepeet ef the gnu meet. Inter elte, ledge a notice at tntentien te appeal with the within date pf thte letter, by means et ene ef the teller-ring methede: er ferret-tern: {the} tree Br poet: Private Bag 1:11:19 12:30 By heed: Beading t' Getternment Beuleverd. Hiuereide Pent get-mtg r3; tell-Jet- MPUMALANEQ ?it FLHCI EH THE RHIHE Shuuid yuu dauid'u to appeal, 3w must same a copy nf your name of human tn annual an all ragintarnd Imam and a?antad par?aa as wait as a nu?na minim wham. ml parlnd. that appeal auhmisainn w? ha avallahla fur lmpan?nn. Yuma nlnnorafly Hr. E3. mum Ehllf Emirumnhl ??irt Data: mam-r: an: EAF EmFamm Far. 539 Enll? uh mamas: 511 THE 'Hfl Ell? [norm land 3. environmental Irs mm Bunion M1 5. Ho. 1' Gown-nus Boom-ml. F?mido Part. moo. Homing: Prom Fonts ?ag I 1121B, 12cm Tot.- {on} snows. Fu: Ennis] mo REE. +3113] Int Fan: ?nial 1'65 Li?llko 93'?me van Landoou, MIMI-soon wolollrno Kwalmuzsm Tammi-ow. Tomhloha umnks gnmm?ql ouuThumuHam moor-4mm :E?mo?hiya, Holmi?n?r'r?zmlo Grond on Humming Soho Norton nooMn'sbl athon'uiL?o Environmental Authorisation Authorisation numhor 131 Holdor oi Authorisation Atha Afrioo Ventures {Pty?} . Looatlon Portions 1 of the form 96 HTI within the jurisdiotion of Ka Eomo Looal Munioipslity. Mpumalsnga rovinoo ?3 Puss of so 3' moo to: ?so: or or: sun in: Finds IEHHE Edit 1. is satiatisd sn basis sf avaiiahts is It and suhjsla ta campiianss with ssntiitisns sf this authorisation. that appilsant shauld its authslisad ts undartails as baisw. Dataiis rsgarding basis an whish read-lad this dadsist?l ans sat nut in Annsl-lul's 1. 2. Activity authsrissd By slrius sf pawsrs an It by Natasha Act, ?i995 that it]? sf 1993} and tha Impast Ragulstisna Enid. harshy auli-lsrisaa: Atha Miss Vanturss Lid li?11 ?ssl'. Plaza 2144 Msrgant Munsamy Fa: his. :{tii 1] T34 Tad? Emall :Mn . th tsu .in is undsriaits asiiuitias [harsaftisr rsfarrati ts as 'ths asiluityr'} indisstad in Listing Maths 1.2 and El H.544. 5-45 and Edd}: Lit-tad astiuiltlsa anal-muss EH El [tam Partisns sf rnins auriasa sf: infrastrustura. such as a?t shannsis; platisna. administraiish {is} dams: buildings intsmal mass i [at] hull: watar sutist wsritshtips. 1lrshisis wash hair. {it} buildings 5d ssuars ntsiras in airs; sr sswagis trsahnant saw. watar {xii irlirastrustura ar spiraling 5D sqliara plant. watar rnsti'as intrastrusturs sash as sisan and what?s such sanstrustisn sst:urs wi?diin a dirty watar harms and shannala and sr withln 32 at a msasursd Psiiulisn Gstitrsl Darn wilt ha tits si saduding whsra sush issatsd within a watland Uii' within witl assur hshind 32m sf a wistisnd, as par laysut ssthasit Iins. plat-l ahswn in Annsilurs 2. sangalaua panda such as diassi will st fasilitias ar far the he stsl'ad sn sits. Absusgrsund stsrags. sr far stamps and handling. sf a stsrags tanks [nst silssading dangsmua sand. sush stsrags in suhls wili ha instaiiad sn I.. sass-lass ?smith"? 5g?, MPUMALANBA f9 2227 Listed activities ActivitriPreject deac?ptlen _ccnteinere with eemhined capacity [it Eli} but net eite- eaceedhg 5th] cubic metres. An eeplesiues magazine sierage facility will be censtructed. Net mere than '1 Dill} he at explosive le anticipated in he stared within the explain-ire: magazine. . EH it. ??liem 1E: Perticns ef the mine surface The er depcsiting afany mamrialei more than such as the edit 5 cubic metres intc. er the dredging. platterm. administration retrieval er muting cf acil. send. sheila, shell grit. access reeds, metres frern: weriishcpe. wash hay. {ilawaterceuraa but excluding where auch depdettin-Q . dredging. excavetlen. remctrai er matting; is far maintenance purpcaes undertaken In accerdence with a maregernent plan agreed in by the relevant authcrittr: er eccurs behind the deveiepment setback line. I Pti'ii'iEHiJl'E 2. eel-tread treatment iacilihr. 'water treatment plant. water central ai?estructure such as clean and dirty water henna and channeta and FED matI be lccatee? within a wetland. as per the iaycui plan sheen in 12.1I?Jha pi wetland areas will he directly Impacted en by the euriace Infrastructure. During the censtructicn phase. the site fer surface infrastnaaure be cleared at al vegetation and tepenil will be stripped an a depth at Tilt] mm er mere. in areas where will be taking place. Wham - The at a read. cutside urban areas, with reaenre wider than 13.5 meiere er. [ii] where no exists where the read is widar than metres. The ct internal access reads wider than Em within the surtace lnfreetructtee layeui. -.--. theyr cr activity identi?ed in terms at secticn 53-[1] cf the Naiienai Enuimnmentai Management: Bicditrereityr Act. sent [Act He. 1d or adult} The prepdsed mlning pmdect may trigger Seeiicn 53(1) cf the HERBAL as the target area fella within an eecayatem te dassi?ceticn - c. .e ?@333" . ace? are THE. FLAEE ?it ill-ill Listed activities Activitde'reiset descriptien in terms at secticn cf the Hatienal . Management: Bledlyeralty Act, {Act Me. cf BUD-ills. . Wettkefstmem Grassland [Gm 14} {Endangered}. EN H.544ltern The widening e! existing internal The 1widening ef read by mere titan metres. er the lengthening efa read by mere than 1 ltilemstre - where the existing reserve is wider than 13,5 meters; er {ii} where ne reserve estate, where the existing read .- is wider than ti metres excluding widening er langttiening eceun'ine inside urban areas. track reads within the surface iayeut by mere than Em. seam The emstructien ef facilities er infrastructure fer any pmescs cr acthrity which requires a pennit er license in terms cf natienel er presinciai iegislalien geyeining the generatien er release at emissiens. pellutien er effluent and which is net Identi?ed in ?sites Me. 544 ef_2t_}1_tl er Included in the list at waste management actlhitiss published in terms ef sectien 19 cf the Natlenal Management: Waste Act. . {Act He. 59 cf In ud1ich case that Act wlil asce- The mining activities have the scientist is generate er release emisslens. peliulien cr effluent. pertitsilarly with regards is the stern-i water centrel infrastructure and FED. fer which permits and iicsnses are required (La. Water Use Licence in terms cf the Hatlensl Water Act "[995 {set as at EH Ft. 545 lEiIi ti; The eehstructien ef facilities er infrastructure fer the bull: transect-fatten cf daegereus seeds - in selid term. eutsids an industrial samples. using funicular: er ceiweyers with a threeghput capacity at mere than an tens day. An enchsed cenyeyer will be installed Within the surface infrastructure layeut ef the mine as indicated is Annsxure 2, in erdsr te trenspert the seal frem the undergreund epsratiens 1c the RUM 'raw eeal' sticdtelle. Patina-fee - GM R. 545 Item "the astal feeterfnt cf the mine - Physical alteralien ef undayelcped. yacant er derelict surface infrastruciare wlii he .. use?, Ecclesiastical int ?ee: er slime Stilt Listed activities descriptlen land fer residential. retail. ccmmerciat. recreaitcnai. industrial er institutienal use where the tetai area is he transienned is 2D hectares cr mere: except where such physical atteraticn takes place tar". [ii linear deveicpmrant activities: at {ii} agriculture cr affereetadcn where activity 15 in this Schedule war apply. apprierrlmatetv 22.4ha?urtng the ecnsiructien phase. the site tar surface infrastructure will be cleared cfallvegetaticn. assesses The at a read wider than At metres with a reserve less than 13.5merres. In Mpunralanga: ti. Dutside urban areas. in: {as} A protected area identi?ed in terms at HEM PEA. exciudlng ccmservancies; [cc] Sensitive areas as identi?ed in an emircnmental management framewertt as centemptsied in chapter 5 cf the Act and as adapted by the campetent authcritv: . tee} Griticel biodiversity areas as identi?ed in systematic tricdiveraily plane adapted by the mnmemnt er in hlci'aatcnal plans; {99] Areas within hiiemetras natlcnal parks cr neitsgs sites at hilumelma any striat- prctected area identi?ed in ten-rte cf NEHPAA cr the cure areas of a bicephere reserve. The unpaved read stretching the mine access tc'tha R543 will need tc be upgraded tc accemmcdate mine vehicles. The censtructicn cf internal access reads wider than Em within the surface infrastructure isveui. tn the Finder HaSemra Lceai Municipality EMF {sets}. the picapecting right Ease within a critical area Pesticne cf the mine area are else reecgnized in the Mpumelange Easter Fish as irreplaceable and 'carrsar teens]. The mine lies within an Endangered the Mnntene Grassland [Gm 14}. The site herders the - Fratected Errvirenrnent and surface infrastructure will be censtructed Just dutside cf the Mahala Fmtersted Entiirnnment. The area falls within Ithe Scuth Eastem Escarpment Hatianal Spatiat .- s-srasas ?is-vast" NE at UP THE IEHHG E-Ilt-t s%r Listed aathritles Assessment Prierlhr Area. The area habitat that has been saned by the natienal Mining and ?iedhrersihr Guideline as having the Highest impertanee fer Elle-diversity. The site is regarded as Important and necessary In terms at lullpumalaaga Eledlversily Geneervatleh Plan. The etearanee at an area at are square metres or mere ef vegetatien where T?'is er mere at the vegetative sever eenstitutee indigeaeus vegetatien. Within any critically endangered er endangered listed in terms at seetien 52 at the MEMEA er prier tn the publieatien at such a llst. within an area that has been identi?ed as edtieailtrf endangered in the Natlenal Spatial Eiledirersl?ly Assessment Within ed?eal hiedhersity areas identi?ed in hiaregienal plans: The site fer surtaee Infraetnatrtare we] be eietlred at all during the eenetruetien phase. The area in be eleared has been ealeuiated at 224 D23 ta the Fixley ire Same Leeai Munlelpalihr EidF the praspea?ng night falls within a erltteai biediversihr area {Elie}. Fertiena at the mine area are else in the Mpurealanga Eieditremity Easter Plan as lrreplaeeahie anti ?ptinal Grittaei Eiretlitrersittrr _Areas {seams mas lies mesa an Endangered eaasystem: the Wakiteretreem Mentane Graestand {Gm 14}. ?lial R. 545 item 13: The elaeranee at anarea at heetare annere at vegetadanwhere 25% er mere ef the vegetative - Cri?eei initialinversih.I areas and amiegieal suppert areas as identi?ed hie-diversity plane adapted by the seatpatant au?teu?ityr. [at in Mpamaianga: ll. Outside when areas. the ieliewing: The site tar suriaea 'rnirastmeture will be eleared at vegetatien during the eenstruetlen phase. The area te he steered has been ealeulated at appretdmately sat eta mi. Page Eei2e asst-Lament; t. ?Ewe? MPUMALQNEA THE til-F IIEIHG SUM Listed activities ActivityiPreject dueriptierr [cc] Sensitlve areas as Identified In an as sci-Item stated in master 5 the Ad and as adeptedbv the {ff} Areas within1e neilenal perks sr war-Id heritageeltes er irilcmetres ircm any ether protected area identi?ed irrteiirrs cf NEMFAA er tram the'ccre area cf a tricsphere reserve. We; The clearance ct an area cf 5 hectares er mere sf vegetaticn where i'd'iir er mere cf the vegetative sever indigenous vegetalisn In Mpumelenge: i. All areas urban areas. The site fer surface lnfrasdustme will lee cleared cf all vegetatien during the eenslruetien phase. The area id be desired has been calculated at apprerrimatelv :The cf: buildings with a fectprint exceeding 1d square metres in size: sr {iv} infrastructure severing 1s square metres cr mere where such series-sedan assure within a waterccuree cr within 32 metres at waterscrese. measured train the edge cf waterceerse. errciuding where such will cesur behind the deveiepment setback line. in Mpunselenga: ii. Dutside urban areas. in: {ea} A pretected area identi?ed in terr'ns ct censervancies; {dd} Sensitive areas as identi?ed in en envircnmentai management iramewsrir as in chapter 5 cf the ?rst and as adapted try the scmpetent {ff} Cir-itisai hicdivereihr areas cr service areas as Identi?ed in systematic hisdlversity piene adapted by the campetent er in tricregienel pians: Pcrticns cf the mine surtace such as the edit pletisnrr, huildinganterirel access reeds] wertretreps. vehicle wash heir. sewage treatr'nent water heat-neat plant. sturm water central infrastructure such as the clean and dirtyr water harms and thennele end F'cIIutlsn Dental Dam will be icceted within a I wetland er within 32in si a wetland. as perthe levcut elen In Annerrure 2. . . - Wane-rah? FLAEI UF Ilil?? listed estivitiee Ae?yityi?rojeot ihhitkreas within it?) kite-metres from nationai parks or world heritage sites or ktiometres from any other protested area identified in tonne of NEMFAA or from the sore area of biosphere reserve: EN RI 55g Item 19; The widening of a road by more than it metres, or the - ning of a road by more than kilometre. In Mnumatanga: Ii. Dutside urban areas. In: A protested area identi?ed in terms of HEMPAA, eneItJdIng ooneerusnoies: {so} Sensitive areas as identified in an environmental - management framework as eontempieted in chapter 5 ot the Act and as adopted by the oompetent authority: {ea} D?tieai biodiversity areas as Identi?ed in systematio biodiversity plans adopted by the eomoetent authority or In bioregional plans: igg] Areas within 10 kilometres from national parks at world heritage sites or 5 kilometres from any other protected area identi?ed in terms of NEMFAA or from lite oore area of a biosphere reserve; the-widening of existing internal traoit reeds within the suriaee infrastrueiure layout by more than 4m. 'as desorieed in the amended Finat Eny'aonatental lmpaot Assessment Report dated 2? January at the toilowing oo-ordfnatea. Alternative s1 {Beat 1 Latitude Longitude Environmental nation] emrtiinatee Bend-points of the surfaee boundary area 1 awesome 2 . sons'ssnsie a sonssmae i Int - i see i F'?se tsetse Essie??cs - THE PLACE THE ll?ll'llii a it 21'113'1 1.1s*s ssasasr's 1e Adit ldcatt-cn a1 21'? 1s' e.s1"s as? ?is 21"" 1 e' was as? is" sees-E "its 13' some as? 1s' as i ?w 21'? ie' seas 1 es? 1s? sess'e fer the Tsermyn underground deal mine near with new surface infrastructure lcceted en pettien 1 cf the farm Ysermyn 9E HT. within the Piste}; Ha Esme Lccet Municipality in the Mpumslenge Prednce. hereafter referred in as "the creperty". The infrastructure with this facility includes: a} Eewrily fence and access gate arcund the iayeut area: b} Site including administraticn strides, internal access reeds within the surface infiestl'uctuse layeut. panting. change harness and abluiien tecitlties: c} Bessel edit. decline shafts high-wall and edit pieticmt; d} lnstallaticn cf cenveysr systems ts trenscert cael titan the undergtcund werliing face tn the HUM 'raw ceel? stockpile. The centers-r system will he enclesed tc minimise nclse end air quality Impacts: . e} a dressing and Screening Elatien with acne stockpile; f} management Including clean end dirty water harms and channels and Fellutien central cam {ace} appruttimate?i as he in extent and less than seeds mi; g} end vehicle wash hays: h] sewage treatment with design capacityr tc stars and treat ensugh sewage weste 3W Wests: i} Water treatment plant: it Waste it] lnstattetien cf generetcr sets and df sewer tria nehuerit cl 22W mathead cables; Aheuegreund sterage tanks {net exceeding see cubic meters} will be Installed aceerding te SANS musenengerdus geeds such as will be stated en site. The tanks wtii he within nan-permeable bends and all water eellseting In the hund will be Page 1 eras fur-55% . . . he required to pass through an oil separation system before being pumped to the FED. hit dangerous goods utilised onsite will be stored lri'rritl'rin the hazardous subetenoe stoma facility. The faollity will hate all neoessary fire fighting equipment as wait as adequate yantilation: and eeplosiyes magazine will he to the requirements of the Cieoupetionel Health and Eafety Act 1993 {not No. es of 1993]. Not more then 1 one of airploslye ls anticipated to be stored within the explosives magazine. The explosives magazine will also oompty with the requirements of the Fire Brigade Eeryioss Aot (tile. 99 of The total footprint of the mine surfaoe lnfrastrueture wilt be approximately 22.4fm as indicated in Anneiture 2. Goal front the underground mine will not require further tsenefioiation. Tha ooal will he stookpiieri on a temporary stootgille within the infrastruoture footprint ares. form where It will be loaded on ooal transport yehiolee for h?ansportahon we read to an existing ooal siding [operated by Jhdei] at the First Ftelief Siding near Fist Retief for dispsteh to Ftieharde Bay Goal Tenalnai on the east onset or to other destinations for supply of ooal (Le. ooal fired power stations within the oountry] as appropriate. The haul route will taite the ordsting unpaired road through the yillage of Dirttiesdorp. wrest": is situated about 13 km from the proposed mine site. and onto the tarred H543 to the Fist Ftetief Siding. ioeated approximately of] away. The unpaired route will be graded and surfaosd with dust-aside or similar dust suppression enemieals prior to oonstruo?on and watered regularly to reduoe dust. After three years of operation. the road will be toned and upgraded to the satistaetion of registrared oiyil engineer. initial water requirements will he Isouroed ?'om ayalislsis groundwater suppiy and from Isurfaoe I water harvesting. Dnoe mining oommanoss, the recharge from the underground workings will be suflieient to supply all titer water requirements for the operation. PCDs will provide water in the ease of a Iaeir of supply for various reasons or In the ease or an emergency on the mine. 3. Conditions of autI-rorteetion seeps of mrm?n 3.1 The Best Dptionfor the surfeoa layout of the mine infrastructure is approyed as indicated in Annexure 2. This option does not inolude a wash plant or dhoerd dump [residue stud-spite] on site. as the exhumed ooal from the underground mine will not require further bene?ofatlon. The coal wil be stool-tpiled on a temporary stod-ipile within the . sags-renters . . .?eie?r-e??ret Meuaner-ien THE llil?? SUN Infrastructure footprint area. from where it will be loaded on coal transport vehicles for uanspertaiton and sale directty to market. 3.2 The preferred coat hate route ettemetiye. comprising the existing unpayed road adjacent to the target area. that condense through the town at? Diritiesderp and onto the tarrest H.543 to the Flat Retief Siding located approximately 53 km away. is approved. 3.3 Authorisation of the activity is subject to the conditions contained In this authorisation. antish farm part at the environmental autheriss?on and are binding on the hefder ef the authorisation. 3.4 The holder of the authorisation is responsible for ensuring {compliance with the conditions contained in this enyirenmentai authorisation. This includes any person acting on the holder's behalf. including but net limited to. an agent. servant. contractor. sue-centractor. employee. consultant or person rendering a service to the hoider oi the authorisation. 3.5 The amt-miss authorised may only he carried out at the preperty as described aheye. 3.3 Any changes to. or deviations from. the project description set out in this authorisation must he appmyed. in writing. by the Department before such changes or deyietions may be effected. in assessing whether to grant such approval or not, the Department may request such information as it deems necessary to evaluate the significance and impede of such changes or deiiations and it may be neoessaty for the hoider ot the authorisation to apply fer further authorisation in terms of the reputations. This actiyity must commence withlr'r a period of 5 [?ve years} from the date of issue at this authorisation. If commencement of the activity does not occur within that period. the authorisation lapses and a new application for environmental authorisation must he made in order for the acdyity to be undertaken. as ccmmencement with one activity same in terms at this authorisation constitutes magnetite ofall nurseries activities. 3.3 The holder of en enyimnmentel authorisation must apply for an amendment of environmental authorisation with the applicable oompetent authority for any alienation, transfer or change of rights in the property on which the activity Is to take place. Appeal at au?iortsatlen 3.13 The holder of the authorisation must netify every registered inn-?sated and affected party in wittine and wtthin 12 fancies} calendar days of the date of this environmental authorisation. of the decision to authorise the activity. as; 3.11 The noti?cation referred to must 3.11.1 Specify the date on which the eutherisation was issued; 13 area Hm a. 1' THI FLHCI THE. 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.13 Paueteofi? 3.11.3 Mona the interested and affected party of the appeal procedure provided for in [tractor 2 of the Environmental Impact Assassment Regutations. 2314; Advise the Interested and affected party that a copy of the authorisation will he fumiehed on request: and Give the reasons of the competent authority for the decision. The holder of the authorisation must pubtish a notice 3.14.1 informing interested and affected padlos of the decision: 3.14.3 interacted and affected parties 1where the decision can he accessed; and 3.14.3 drew the attention of Interested and atfected parties to the fact that an appeal may be lodged against this deotehn. Management and monitoring oftfte activities The Environmental Management Programme for the Best Entironrnental Dptlon submitted as part oi? the Application for EA {as attached the Amended dated January 2315} must be amended arid submitted an the Department for written approvai prior to commencement of the ecth'lty. Dries approved. the must be implemented and adhered to. The must be amended to include: 3.15.1 a surface Infrastructure layout plan forthe mine. as perAnaexura 3; 3.15.2 Maintenance Management plan for the maintenance of biodiversity sensitive areas including wetlands toasted within the surface boundary area iridimted in Anneaure 3 must: a} be drawn up with the input of a suitably quali?ed and experienced Wetland and biodiversity specialist; b} Daniela mitigation measures to ensure the Integrity of those biodiversity sensitive features located within the surface infrastructure boundary area which will not be direcay impacted on by the placement of the mining surface infrastructure; o} De?ne all the wetlands that will not Ice directly affected by the development and which are to be included as part of the no-go area: and d] A map Indicating all no-go areas that have been identi?ed for the development. The Environmental Control Officer as appointed shall be responsible for the establishment and management of the Environmental Management Committee that shall be established for the construction and operational phase of the project. 3.13.1 The EMG shall consist of. inter ella, representattves from the Department of Mineral Resources. Department of Water and Eanltatlon. Department of Environmental Affairs {Legal and Authorisations}. Mpumalanga Tourism and Padre Agency. Depmment of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environmental Affairs . Iv. I Triag- g" ?wh MPUMALANEA . 'rtlt Hath or 'an dost {Dempiianee Mnnitnrinq and Enfnreement}, Mahala Preteeted Enuirnnmant Management Autherity and Fixing; i-ta Eeme Lanai Municipality: 3.13.3 The Members at the END muet be appreved by the Departrnant in writing prier tn the enmmeneement at the antiwar: 3.13.3 The nutnemee. rain and funetinne at the EMU muet be tn the department appear-val priar tn the aemmaneement ef the activity; 3.13.4 The EMD ehell he reenaneihie fer: a} The nnqning and mntinunua deueleprnent at the lei Manitnrinq adherenee and enmpiianea tn the anprneed a} Making emendmente tn the an and when required. Hnnitnrinq 3.1? The applieent muet appnint a euitenlp expel-tanned independent Environmental Dena-n! Dr?ner {Em} fer the phaea at the deveiepment. that will have the reaper-relating tn ensure that the mitigatienirehabilitatien and referred tn in title autherieatinn are Implemented and tn ensure enmplianee with the n3 the EirlF'r. 3.13 The EDD ehell he appninted bei'nre nnmmeneernent at any autherieed eetiuillee. 3.19 Dnea appninted. the nerne and ennteet detain at the EDD muet he eu?emitted tn the ?iraetcrata: my and Eniiemament ef the Dean rtrnent. 3.33 The EDD ehae keep renerd et ail enduitiee en eite. preeieme identi?ed. hated and a enhedule er teal-ta undertaken by the EDD. 3.31 The EDD ehall nemein until all rehabilitatien ae required fer 'irnpiemantetien are eernpieted and the eite is ready tar nperatien. and repartlnu tn ?'ra Department 3.33 Ail dneumentetien an. rapan and neti?eetlnne. required in he auhmitted tn the Department in tenne at this auhariaatinn. muet he eubn'iitted tn the Dit'eetnrete: Marnie-inn and Enfereement at the Department. 3.33 The helder ef the aatharieatian muet euhmit an enuirnnmental audit raeert tn the Department within 30 nape at eranpletinn at arer euthnrieed lieted an?dv?y and within 31] daye ef earnpiatian af rehabilitatinn nteueh antivitiae. 3.34 Quarterly audit reperte muet alee he prnuided tn the Department during the eperetienal phase eftha activity- 15 area Mauanneen g) the that: er nil uremia lien 3.25 The emtrenmental audit reperts must indicate the data at the audit. the name at the auditor and the Guillaume cf the audit in terms at ccmpiiahce with the autittataatien cenditiens as well as the requirements at the EMF r. 3.23 Flecerda relating tb n'ienitcrinp and auditing must be kept an atta and made aveiable fer lnspactian to any relevant and audserity in respect at this development. Cemmencement at the activity 3.2? The autherised activity shall net cemmenbe widtin twenty [Eli] days at the date at signature at the authcrisatien. 3.33 in terms at Bastien sari}. an appeai under Bastien 43 at the Natienal Envirenmentai Management Act. dees net suspend the enwrenmental audscrisatien er any prevtelen er cenditlcn attached theretc unless the Minister er en MEG directs etherv?se. lite-till ca?en ta autheritlee 3.29 A written netit?icatien bi cemmencement ntust be given tn the Departn?ient no later than feurteen {14} days prier tn the cf the activity. Gpmmehcement fer the at this includes site prepwatlen. The netice rnust include a date an which it is anticipated that the activity will scatinence. as wall as a reference number. Site cteeure and siesemmissiehinp 3.343 Shcuid the activity ever cease er became redundant. the applicant shall undertake the required acticns as prescribed by leptaiatien at the time and cempiy with all relevant legal requirements administered by any relevant and cempetant au?terity at that time. Speci?c 3.31 F'rier ta cesnmehcinp. written permissicn must be ebtelhett ?ircrn the Minister at Netienal Department at Envirenmentai Affairs and Cabinet member reapcnsibie fer mineral reaeurces tc undertake mining activities written the Mabcia Pmtected Environment in terms at Bastien 43 at the Hatienal Environmental Management: Pretected Areas Act. 5? at 2333. 3.32 hie activities. which require a water use shall cemrnence witheut a water use license granted by the Department at Water and Sanitatien 3.33 A minimum nc-pc t??rn butter must be re?ned amend the and Mawendlane Ftivare and asseciated channelled valley halt-em wetlands. as per the ne? pa map intha appreved "Ha" F'Ili'l tbetib y. ii? ref-? haw-=- use". maumeLewee "?rst! DI: THE . 3.34 A minimum ne-ge 533m butter must he maintained areund the hire large. eid edits leeated eutalde the prespeeling area. where at least tear Gensenralien Impedant hat speeies are meeting. 335 The mine surfaee infrastrusture must net he eenstrueted within a Irm radius. ef any Na?enel Freshwater Prlertly Area wetlands. 3.33 The ne-ge areas must he eleady demamatad hefere aenstrurdlen aemmenees. hie deyeiepment must be allewed wi?n ehannelled valley bettem wetlands and ne-ge areas. 3.3? "the diseerd dump and asseeiated wash plant de net ferm pert at his enuirenmantal autherisatien. 3.33 The wetland epeeialiet must eany eut quarterly audits ef the wetlands and the repert Must be submitted in the deparlment and else be tabled fer dismssien at the Elu'lt: meetings. 3.33I The Integrity seere} at any eategery A and El wattands must net drep helew 333i: frern the baseline. Sheuld that happen a hiedlyersity eil'set agreement must be negatiated with the relevant eempetent aulherity within the Iimeframe stipulated by the eernpetaat aulherity. 3.43 Ne surtaee water generated as a result ef the deyetepmwit may he channelled direetly Inte any wetland er watereeurse. an surfaee runefl? generated during hem penetreetleh and eperatlen must he manned [and sleaned where apptieahle} prler te entedng any natural drainage system er wetland se as net te impaet en the natural hydrelegy and merphelegy ef the watereete'see. - 3.41 Stennwatar must he rraneged in wilh the Steam-rater Management Plan referred In in the and In line with DWE requirements. 3.4: Seeunng. eresien er sedimentetlen et ah wateraeurses and wetlands must be prevented te ave-Id destabilisatien ef the 3.43 Censhuetien ef the deal etedqe?e areas and the pellutien eentrel dam must be denied 'eut Ie the satisfedten et a Prehsslenal Engineer. 3.44 The ateeitpiie areas and PUD must be lined te the requirements at the Department elr Water and Sanitatien In erder te present ddnlaminatien ef greundwetar reaeuraea. 3.43 A gmundwater menltering ayetam must he designed and iMplernented tn the requirements at DWB. 3.43 The dangereus geeds sherage must he eenstrueted within hen-permeable hunda. The hunded area must he designed ?te eentein. at a minimum. 11334. 1re?iun'ia ef the largest eentalner stared. 3.4? Any spillage et dangereus geeds sush at: stered fuels and al'iemleals must immediately be eentalned and the impaeted area remediated as per the appreyed EMPL 3.43 lie-fuelling must take plaee en a sealed area at the deelgnaled fuelling depets In erder te prevent the Ingress el? hydreeartiens inte tepseil and graded and surtaea water main-I'm i. Elf 2E -. hr? nus arse: er we 3.49 3.55 3.51 3.52 3.53 3.54 3.55 3.55 3.5? 3.53 3.59 3.55 3.51 tense Ali trodes hauling must he oovered by a tarp or enuivelantoovar to prevent the of seal on made. A dust fallout monitoring network must be installed in end arorsrd the main area of operation In order to detennine dust fatioui trends. Ambient air quality monitoring must also lnolude the sampling of Phillis. Nils. 5D: and van oonoanlralions. as per the approved EI?le'r. Fallout dust outside the surfaoe infrastruoture fehoe of the mine through the gravel road up to the interseotion of road H543 must oomply with the permitted fallout dust leveis for residential areas Elsingent measures must be spelled to suppress dust emanating from the oonstruotlon site. as perthe approved Eidraust emissions testing must be undertaken on all mobile and stationary dleset combustion souroes as part of equipment malntanenoe soheduies, as per the approved El'v'lPr. Ftoad safety management measures soon as pedestrian crossings. speed humps and warning signs to warn motorists ot pedestrians [as per the South African Ftoad Traf?c: Signs Manual} must be pissed at strateglo points near the two schools located along the haul route and near homesteads in the visirrity of the mine site. The surfaoe infrastruoture area and lay dovm areas must be clearly demaroeted. Clearing of vegetation must be to these ,demercated areas. The dealing of vegetation must be undertaken in with the approved A "Plant Ftesous and Retention" pian wilt-I speci?c: focus on conserving inrportarrt spaoies from areas to be transformed must be oompiled try an eoologisal spacrlallsl and be submitted together with the Maintenanoe Management Plan for approval prior to the omnmenoement of any oonstruotlon sotivtties. - A permit must be obtained from the lu'lpumaisnga Tourism and Parks Agenoy for the removal or destruction of Indigenous proterrted and endangered plant and animal spaoies. An alien plant oontr'ol program must be developed and implemented from the inoeption of the site ciesring phase in with the relevant legislation and as per the approved hio errotlc: plants may be used for rehabilitation purposes. Dnly leoslly Indigenous plants must he utilleed. Liaison with land ownersifann managers Is to be done prior to oonstruotion in order to provide eu?isient time for them to plan their egrioudurel astivlties. if any reloostlorrs of afteoled hornesteads are required. these must be addressed in adder-dense with the Resettlement Plan that is to be oumpit?ed as per the approved ElutPr and in line relevant legislation. and also in with the Social and Labour Plan .- Wield? MFUMALANEA {if THE IUH 3.62 3.63 3.64 165 FE .r BE ma?a-t: . . to be regulated by Department of Mineral Flesouroes. The Plan must be informed by the reoomrnendatlons of the hooio-Eoonomio Impaot Assessment study as attaohed In the Amended EIR dated January 2m 5. Sharid any material of oultural or arohaeologioal signltiosnoe be encountered during the South Al?rioan Heritage Resouroes Agenoy must be alm'ted Immediately. and a professional archaeologist or paleeontologlet must be contacted to Inspent the findings. An Integrated waste management approach must be implemented that is based on waste minimisation and must inoorporate reduotion. raoydingt re-use and disposei where appropriate. Any soiid waste. whioh will not be recycled, must be disposed of at a liosnsed land?ll site in terms of aeolian 2:11th at the National Environment Management Waste Aer, Elliott [Act as of Elliott}. General A oopy of this authorisation and the approved must be trapt at the property where the vriil be undertaken. The authorisation and approved Eh'lFr must he messed to any authorised of?olal of the Departmentwho requests to see it and must he made available for Inspeotion by any employee or agent of the holder of the authorisation who undertakes work at the property. The holder of the authorisation must notify both the Direotorr: Integrated Environmental Authorisations and the Directorate: Commands Morir'tortng and Enforoentant at the Department, in writing and within lie "on rty eight: hours, it any nondition of this authorisation oannot be or is not adhered to. Any notification in tonne of this oonthlion must be toy reasons for the norr-oornplianoe. National government, provinotai government. 'iooal authorities or smartest appointed in terms of the of this authorisation or any other publio authority shall not be held responsible for any damages or losses suffered by the appiioant or his in title In any iretanos where or operation subsequent to oonstruotion he ternporarity or permanently stopped for reasons of non-oempitanoe by the applioent with the oontiitions ot authorisation as set out irt dooun'rent or any other steasaouent dooument emanating from these oondilions of authorisation. EHUIHDHHEHTAL APREGVED ET: air. a. . Haluiairra Chief Dirootot': Ehvironmant?alh?alra Date or}. mnuann?ia THE DI HUN REAEDHE FOR THE 1. Backgreurtd The applicant Atha Africa [Pty} applied fer Enyircnmehtsi Authci'isetlen fer the Infrastructure asapclated with ?r'zennyn undergreurid seal mine The preject includes the censtructicn cf: a} Security fence and access ccnirciied gate amend the teycut area; In} Site cfiice. inciur?-rg administraiicn ctticaa. internal access reads within the surface infrastructure leycut. parsing, change hcuses and ebluiicn facilities; c} Haircut edit decline shafts. higtawall and edit plet?cnn: d} Inats?aticn cf centreycr systems tc transport ccal tram the undergrcund wcridng face tc the HEM ?raw ccal' The centreyrcr system will be endeared to minimise neise end air quality Impacts: e} a Crushing end Ecreening Etetien with Ff?ail steclrpiie: f} management Infrastructure including clam and dirty watm henna end channels and a Pciiuticn Central Dem 2.3 ha in extent and lass than E?tltt? an?; g} and vehicle wash bays: h] sewage treetrnent facility with design capacity tc stcre and seat encugh sewage waste .er pecpleWater tnaaiment plant; - j} Waste management Infrastructure: it} lnstalleticn cf generetcr sets and ccnnectien cf pcarcr via a nefwerir cf 22W cyerhead cables; Abeyegrc Lind aterage tanks {net exceeding 550 cubic meters}. mji An espiesiyss magazine area. The tctel cf the mine surface infrastructure wilt be epprcaimataiy Elena as indicated in Annesure 2. 2. The applicant eppcinted the fcilcwing Enyircnmental Assessment Practiticnertc undertake the THE PIECE UP THE Ill" Envircnmehtal Assessment prcceaa. ?rs Ccna Liitant Name: EccPertners massacres ?uh? 13-. cases?? as g, UM ALA ?Git Address: [it Has T3513 Fairland EDED Eentaet Perseen: Ghertaihe Baartjiee Telephene: 2251 Fair: E64 29GB s. lnl'anhatien eansidered in melting a dictated. In its deeisien. the Deperh'nent teethr inter site, the fellewing inte eeneideratten - a} The intenaatjan eentained tn the Amended EIH dated January 2?1 5: hi The statements reeah'ed frent the Mguntelenga Teurtsra and Parks Agency: the Department at Enuirenmental A??airs: Erat'teh: Biedhrersity and Censenratien, the Department at Water and Eenttatien, the Eteuth Afriean Heritage Agency and Interested end Affected Parties as ineluded In the Amended EiFt dated January 2515; e] Hitigatien measures as prepesed in the ElFt dated January E?t 5 and the d} The infenhatian eentalned in the speeialist studies eantained widtln Appendix and at the Arrtended EIR dated January 2615: - e] Sadie-semantic eensideraties f] Findings ef the last she visit eer?tdueted en 19 May 2016: and g} The objectives and requirements at releyant legisiatian. pelleies and guidelines. including seetien 2 at the Matleaal Environmental Management Adi. tees (Ashe? st 1993}. . .Itiey tasters eenalderad in making the deehlen All interrnatien presented is the Department was talten inte in the Department's eaneideratian ef the apptieatten. A summary at the issues ahleh. in the Department's view. were at the is set eut eelew. a} The ?ndings at all the speeiallst studies eandueted and their rnltigatien meastaes. h] The pretest need and desirability was suttieiently addressed. Setrih Afriea is heavily reliant an thennai seal fer newer generatieh. Beth lanai and internatlanal markets are highly dependent an Eauth Afrlea being a main preylderet seal. The ldenli?eatleh and expleitatten at new seat resenres In Seuth Africa is tharefere a prerequisite in meeting this demand. The prep-deed Yzen-nyn Undergreund Gael tullne has a grass in situ reseuree at ease Mt teetare lessee] C, Page et at as . ?Ta ma?a-? MPUMALANEA jg . fl-H'Ci THE SUN - within the Target Area that will be exported via Bey Goal Terminal. or transported to suppi'y power stations in the country. c} The Amended EIR Identi?ed ell relevant environmental legislation and guidelines that have been eonsidered in the preparation oi the Am ended dated Jenuwy 2015. d} The methodology used in assessing the potential impacts identified In the remanded Elfi dated January acts and the specialist shidies have been adequath indicated. a) a suf?cient pubic gartirdpatien was undertaken and the agelieent has satisfied the minimum requirements as preserhed [it the EIA Regulations. Elitiifer public involvement. 5 Findings sitar eonslderation of the Information and factors listed above. the made the following ?ndings . a] Underground mining will oeeur within the lvtabola Protected Environment. although the new surfaee Infrastructure required for the mine wili be loeated iust outside of the protested environment. The Yzem'ryn Underground Goal tuhne alee borders the Hwalvtandhiangempisi Protected Environment. which felis within the greater Et-litangala Grassland Biodiversity Stewardship initiative as well as the Important Elini Area {the}. The area comprises habitat that has been earned by the national Mining and Biodiversity Graders-re et at. Elite} as having the Highest lrneorlanee for Biodiversihr. The site is regarded as important and in teens of sipurnalanga Biodiversity Deneervatioh Plan. is} to the Finley i'ia Same EMF {am 1 the oresoeeting rigid falls within a critical biodiversity area Portions of the mine area are also reeognlaed in the Mpumalanga Biedhrerafty Hester Plan as Irreplaeeatrie and optimal Grilles! Biodiversity Areas {EaselThe mine ties within an Endangered ecosystem; the Wehkerstreom lvicntane Grassland. a number of professed species {both fauna and here} have been Identified on site. e} The ?t?zermyn Coal Mine Praises ls situated in a sensitive and eohservetlen impatient area In terms of biodiversity. Eioeshuetion of the proposed surface infrastrueture will result in eornplete removal of vegetation. The infrastructure was relocated to the northern ntost area of the prospecting right. The historieai transfennab'en of the environment in this area indisates that disturbance to the filledhre'i'stt'ylr wil be limited. The areas identi?ed for the preferred surface Infrastrucsure layout have been mushy diatom previously. by agdedtural and old mining practiees. The eeosystem ls fragmented in the proposed areas of the surfaee an, P??i??fza - 1..- - - arm ?swig; gift MPUMALRMGA . Elthi' infrastructure and the devalepment cf the area an be mitigated tc ensure esuicgicelly sustainable deveicpment. d] The mine lease area is situated in a Natlcnal Freshwater Plierlty Area dver catdtment. and includes several Gategery 1 Wetland FEPAs. Mining in any term shculd net be pennitted In wetland er within titm at a watiandr'rivsrine buffer. The surface infrastructure required fer the mine falls eutsitle the "lien FEFA. buffer areas. a} 12.1 he at the tetal wetland area will be disturbed by the surface Infrastructure. hewever 1162 he at the wetland has already been tl's'eugh daveicpntent. With the Beat Envimnrnental Dptian the diE?-?rrd dump [residue stccitptie} and wash plant will net he thereby reducing the Impact en the sensitive biedhrersily and wetiand areas. Mitigatien measures have been stipulated hr the and anw'r'cranental authcrisatlcn tc further reduce patential rislr is the wetland areas. it In an attempt is eptimise the layeut at the surface Infrastructure sit at wetland areas an additicnal wetland dalinaaticn invastigatibtt was canduded tn detennina the wetland edge the surface Infrastructure The surface laycut was revised in minimise the impact an the wetlands. Due tr:- the degraded natune cf the wetlands. the very limited Impedance and Sensitivity cf the area and the law level at previsicn at the wetlands which will be directly atfeeied. the significance at this impact is censidered very law and will not affect iecel. regidnel. previncial er naticnal sensenratlcn Initiatives ier wetlands. ?erai species cerr-sa-rvatien. Iiaunai species and aquatic 'rsseurca endearvaticn. g] large edits ircrn pravicus mining in the area have 1 artery High ccnservaiien This is because these adils previde feasting habitat far at least fcur GI hat species. The surface feetplint cf the mine is hcwavsrcuiside at the still that is presumed. ht During the assessment at water uses it was determined that ne water use is registered terths preparties faceted adjacentte the Assegaei and Mawendlane rivers up in the darn. It has been deterrninad that the river usage at the prnpesed Yzemyn undergrcund ceal mine area is used fer agricultural purpcsas. It is anticipated that the prepbsed undergreund ccal mlna deveicprnant will reduce the Mean Annual Hunetf cf the quaternary catchment enly by sense cr by seen. e. Fans 23 at as mis?t-Mai?? ear-5w ?rearm-*3 rises er rat tame sun - i} The geochemical assessment of etrr: coal and two discard samples classified the majority of tasted coal samples as potentially acid generating with the remainder inconclusive. Following the precautionary principle. all stodtpiled cost will therefore be treated as acid generating. The anticipated cone of dewaterlng due to mine inflows will capture groundwater. 1.rrt'rlcl'r would have otherwise contributed to spring discharges. leakages strong hit slopes. wetlands. river haseflew or to deeper regional groundwater ?ow. Pest-closure the mine acids are likely to Ice flooded within 45 arrears with potential decent thereafter. The FED will be lined to limit groundwater certtarninatlen. With tire Etest Environs-rental Gpl'ren. no discard will be generated and no discard dump {residue stockpile} will he constructed. This will reduce the rislt of groundwater contamination. emissions were found to reauit in the meet netehle air guellti.r impacts. Seth unmitigated and mitigated simulated consantratiens exceed Nationat Ambient Air mellty Standards oft-site and at several Alr ?uailhr Sensitive Recephir?s primarin those along the unpaved reed oehrreen the Seal Handling and Processing Plant and ?irhiesdom. Although ground level concentrations reduce notably when considering mitigated emissions {achieved with watering}. the assumed reduction {Tait} ie not sufficient to decrease isuels to within at located in close prordmity to the road. The use of the Ul'lpS'tI'rErti haui route bet-ween the Beef Handling and Processing Plant and Dirldesderp results in exceedencee of litis at most of the With the paving of this road. as is planned after your 3 cf operation. Flirt?;l ilnpacts along lite road will reduce by an estimated Stilts. With the Best Enuirenmentd Option. ne discard dump [residue wi? be constructed and this will reduce the concentrations expected. it} The erdsting Plat Relief Siding will be utilised for the transport of export coal to Riotards Say. The Siding is operated and managed by who hes indicated that suf?cient space is arraliaole and that an upgradetaothe Siding is not required. it During the emistruotion phase the highest noise Ierrele are associated with general activities. which include and clearing. eard'rwerlts. grading. hulldozing and unloading of materiel. Since triaeting assets at the he: cutrr wit-wail are not continuous and will only:r occur once gas day. Impatds from this seams are few. m] Surface infrastructure for the mine will impact on only three cultural heritage sites which were determined to he of medium to low signi?cance. From an ardteeoleglcel and heritage point of triew the development can be allowed once the miqtigetien measures have been implemented. PIES 3? till '15 9 MALQNEA IHE PIHEI {if IHE IIHHE Pi till f} ti ti The visuad impact of the mine wilt be signi?cantly reduced with the implementation of the Best Enwronntentsi Option, since no discard dump {residue demeit} wlil be constructed each would otherwise have remained as a pom-tenant structure in the landscape. The impact of the proposed 'r'zarmyn Underground Coal Mine on the peat: hour traf?c operating conditions of the surrounding road netwerir. will not necessitate any mi?gation measures such as intersection upgrades. The heavy vehicle leading impact at the proposed mine on the existing road network will require the replacement ct surfacing at the eminent areas identi?ed. At the very least a sudece scant-rent is required. There is one homestead located approximately EDD rn front the proposed adit entrance. and approximately team from the main access road tn the target area. The mining activities are likely to have direct negative impact on this homestead in terms of vibrations [craddng of houses}. dust. noise. safety and visual impects. if any relocations are required, these he addressed In accordance with a Plan that is to be compiled as per the approved and in line reinvent legislature. and also in accordance with the Sodai and Labour pian to be regulated by Depadmant ot Minn-at Resources. The mine Is anticipated to have a considerable positive socioeconomic Impact through the provision of emptoyment and the stimulation of the tonal economy. The identification and assessment of impacts are detailed in the Amended EiFt dated January ems and sufficient assessment of the tray Identi?ed issues and impacts have been completed. The pmnedure toiiowed for impact assessment is adequate for the decision-making process. According to the independent EAF. the infonna?n contained in the Amended Ell-it is accurate and credible. The proposed mitigation of impacts identi?ed and assessed adequately entails the identi?ed impacts. measures for the pre-construction. and rehahttitation phases of the development were proposed and included in the EAR and will be implemented te manage the identified environmental impacts during the construction process. In view or the above. the Departmant is satis?ed that. subject to compilanca with the conditions contained in the environmental authorisation, the authorised activity will not con?ict with the general detectives of integrated environmental management as laid down in Chapter 5 at the National Environmental Management Act. tees and that any potentiatly detrimental environmental i?n. unset-tea PUM ALAN GA 'rI-tt Hedi art n-rt: sterile sue tmpaata resetting team the activity can be mitigated fer ta acceptable taveta. Anthea-lea?et: ia granted. Annexura 2: Layaut Plan - - . .. . Legend NH 11-1524? lal'arl'unlaul. Euleu 'elunr: Ala: That-1 He: sets r; 1 H1- E-rrllu 5' 1mm Page . 'ahm' -.n?1r?i?lb THE PIECE THE EHIHG EUH 14195 tea-tier Department: . Water and Sanitaticn iaesti? assusuc er scum areics Private Bag it 313, Pretcria, 00111. Sediherig Building. 135 Francis Beard Street. Pretcria Tet: (012} see tress. Fan: see save itct a} see ens LICENCE TH TEHHE DF ill DF THE HATIDNAL WATER ACT, 1995 ND. 36 DF 1958] I. Nearest Gm. in my capacity as acting {Acting} in the Decal-intent cf Water and Sanitaticn and acting under autherity cf the pews-rs delegated tc me by the Minister at Water and Sanitation. hereby??i??tsei? feiicwing water uses in respect cf this iicence 1 .- . SIGNED: are? DATE: 2/2/59?: LICENCE ND: FILE HUHHER: 1WMS1Nzennyn 1. ?mm: ATHA-AFRICA VEHTUFIEE LTD Pcstal Address: Fleet Sine-steel Piece 159 Rivenia Head Mcrningside Eastman 2144 2. Water Uses: 2. T. Secticn 21{a} cf the Act: Taking water a water reacu rce. subject tc the set out in Annexures and H. 2.2. Bastien 21tc} cf the Act: impeding cr diverting the ?aw cf 1.Itiater in a waterccurse. subject it: the set cut in Annesures i and 2.3. Sactien 21m cf the Act: Discharging waste er water ccntaining waste intc a water reacurce thrcugh a pipe. canai, sewer er cther cenduit. suhje? tn the cenditicins set cut in Annesures FILE NUMBER: LEGENCE ND: ??l'il'lii??i NAB FGIJHFEE 2.4. Bastien Eifgi at the Fist: Dispensing ef waste in a manner which may impeet en a water reseuree. suhjeet tn the eenditiens eat eat in Annexures I and 2.5. Seetien Etfi} ef the ?st: Altering the had. hanks eeurse er eharaeteristiss of a watereeurse. suhieet to the eenditiens set set in Anneitures I and 2.5. Bastian 2113} at the Act: Hamming, discharging er diapdaing ef water feund undergrdur'ld. subject to the eenditiens set eat in Annexures I and VI. 3. Dwnere and Preperties in respect to which this lieenee is leeued. item Frepe' j??ff?owner 3.1 Hmr?nhaak 93 HT Mr William Brewer Uys 3.2 Geedg evehden 95 HT Mr Brewer Uw- 3.3 Yzennyn 96 HT Fertien ?i Mr Eruwer Use 34 Eeetfenteih 94 HT {Fertien efi lmfuye [F'tyi as ?u'aaibanlt :4 HT Mi Petrus Miranyezi Lukhela 4. License and Review Feried 4.1 This iieenee is 1iraIid fer a peried of ?fteen [15} years frem the date of issuance and it ma}.r he reviewed every twe years. 5. Definitiens "Any ward er term defined under the Fist shall have the same meaning as defined in the Find. unless ethemise speci?cally stated."I "The Regienal Head" means the Provincial Chief DIreeter: KwaZulu Natal Hegienai Office. Department at Water and Sanitatlen. PD EUR 11313 Durban. mm. "The Repert" means he eanselidatad submissien ef the ?r?zermyn Undergretind ltinsel Mine Integrated Water Use Llsenee Applieatien in terms ef the Natienal Wamr Aet {Ant Ne. 35 ef Page 2 at 51 ventures Ltd. were DIreeier-Genasi ?fearmyn Undergreund ?ee] Miil'l? . FILE NUMBER: LICENCE ND: ?im51 MAC tees} as wall as ether related decumentatien and eemmunicatien {emall. letters. verbal. ate.) therste. "Extent at the watereeurse" means the cuter edge ef the 1:1?tl year fleedlins er the delineated riparian habitat. whichever is the greatest. ?Regulated area let a wetland" is the use at water fer seetien and i water uses within 500m radius from the beundary at any wetland. A Wetland" means land which is transitienal between terrestrial and aquatic systems where the water table is usually at er near the surface. er the land is geriedicaily eeyered with shallew water. and which land in nermal circumstances suppcits cr wculd yegstaticn typically adapted is life in saturated sell. The "characteristics at a waterceurseis" mean the ?ew regime. water quality. habitat {including the physical structure ef the watereeursei's and asseeiated 1.regetatien] and hieta feund within the extent at the watereeurser?s. The Rescurce Quality characteristics as defined in the Natlenal l.I'iiater Act. 1993 [Act SE at 1998}. Descriptien ef activity The licence autherises the mining et' thermal ceai at Yaermyn Undergeund {Seal Mine. including the establishment el' services such as aceess reads. newer and water supply. The infrastructure will alse include peiiuticn centre! dams. water separatien systems. a sewage treatment plant. and a water treatment plant. There are else drainage lines and wetlands within the prepcsed site. Hence a water use license fer Seetierl 21 activities ta}. if}. and will he required. Exempticn has been granted frem EN i'El-ti fer the feiiewing items: r-i: Ftestrictiens en Iecallty: Ne persen in central at a mine er actlyity may - Iecate er plaee any residue dam.reseryeir. tegether with any asseciated structure. er any ether tacii'rty within the trim} year ?ned-line er within a herizentai distance at the metres trern any waterccurse er estuary. hereheie er well. excluding hereheles er wells drilled speci?cally te meniter the peliutien ef greendwatar. er en water-legged greund. er en greunci likely is became water~iegged. undermined. unstable at cracired. Page Er st 51 Ame-Alena {Pty} Ltd. Acting Dire-eter?Ganeral Mei it $3 are? HUME ER: 'lIBi'il?i'ME'll?rcermyn IJEENCE Bastien ii: Hestrictiens en lecaiity: Ne persen in centrel ef a mine er activity may- {ls} except in relatien te a matter centemplatee in ragulatien 1E1, carry en any undergreuntl er epencast mining. prespecting er any ether eperatien er activity under er wlthin the 1:50 year i'leed?Iine er within a heriaental distance ef metres frem any waterceurse er estuaryt whichever is the greatest. Appeal Any persen whe has timeeusly ledge-2 a written ehjectien against the applicatien fer a licence er has an elejectien against the refusal ef such licence, may appeai te a Water Tribunal {within 3D days ei the licence date} and the Tribunal may ceniirm. amend er withdraw the licen ee. er matte any ether and er as the Tribunat deems Page at cf 51 Alhar?ifr?lca {Pty} Ltd. Acting EMT FILE sue BER: LICENCE MCI: M51 NABFGUHTEE I GENERAL CDNDITIDME FDR THE LICENSE 1. This ticence is subject te all applicabia preyisiens cf the Natienal Water Act. 199E- {Act as cf tees}. 2. The responsibility fer with the preyisicns cf the licence is 1rested in the Licensee and net any ether eersen er hedy. 3. The Licensee shall immediately inferm the Preyihcial Heed at any change ef name, address, premises andier legal status. 4. if the preperiyiles In respect at which this licence is issued is subdivided er censeiidated. the Licensee must preside fuii details at all changes in respect ct the prcperties tc the Fte-gienal Head within days ef the said change taicing place. 5. if a Water User Asseciatien is established in the area te manage the reseurce. membership ef the Licensee tc the Asseciatien is cempulsery. Ftules. regulatiens and water management stipulatien e1I such asseeiatlen must be adhered te. E. The Licensee shall be respehsible fer any water use charges andier ieyles impesed try a Reglcnal Heed. T. effect must be given te the Fiesenre as determined in terms at the in?ict1 where a lewer centidence determinatien cf the Reserve has been used in issuance at this licence1 the licence cenditicns may be amended shculd a higher eeni?ldenee reserve be cenducted. B. When ccmpulsery licensing is implemenmd fer the water reseuree in respect at which this tlcence was issued. the water use autherise-d in this license may be subject te cenditiens en quantity and quality. 9. The iieance must net be censtrued as exempting the Licensee tram eeMplianee with the preylsiens et any ether eppticahie Act. Drdinance, Reg ulatieh er Ey?iaw. it]. The licence and amendment ef this iieenee are eise subiect te all the applicable precedurai requirements and ether prcyisiens cf the Act. as amended here time te time. it. The Licensee must cenduct an annual Internal audit en cempliartce with the cenditiens at this licence. A repert en the audit shall be submitted te the Heglenai Head ens rnehth ef the finalizatien at the audit. 12. The Licensee must appeint an independent external auditcr te cenduct an annual audit en cemptlance with the cenditicns cf this licence. The first audit must be send ueted within the first three menths cf the date at this licence is issued and the Page 5 ef st sine-Africa treatises {Ptyi Lie. Acting Blaster-General my if 13. ?14. 15- ?lT. '13. ?19. 2t}. 21. 22. FILE NUMBER: l?l?'l'l'll'll?'ld'fzermyn ND: rep-en en the audit shall be submitted te the regienal Head within ene menth ei' llnallzaticn cf the repert. Any Incident that causes er may cause water pellutien must be reperted la the Authenty er a designated representative within as items. The issuance cf this licence dess net imply a guarantee relating tet- 14.1. the statistical prebability ef supply 14.2- the availa biilty ef the water er 14.3. the quality cf water. if the water use described In this licence is net exercised within 3 years cf the date ef the licence. the autherisatien will be withdrawn- Upen cemrneneement ef the water use. the Licensee must inferrn the relevant authcrity in writing- The water may net be used fer anether pu rpese than the purpcse in this iicence. The Licensee shalt ccntinuaily investigate new and emerging technelegies and put inte practice water efficient devices cr apply techniques fer the re-use ef water eentainlng waste. in an endeaver te censerve water at all times. The Licensee shatl establish and implement a eentlnual precess ef raising awareness amengst itself. its 1inventers and stakeheidars fer the need fer Water Genservatieni?h'ii'ater Demand Management. The Licen sec shall ensure that all measuring devices are easily accessible. Where applicable ?cw metering devices shall be maintained in a seund state at repair and calibrated by a cempetent persen at intervals cf mere than ence in twe years. certi?cates shall be available fer inspecticn by the Responsible Autherity er his representative upen request. Netiees prehibitlhg unauthcrized persens frem entering water use premises must be displayed. The Department accepts ne liability fer any damage. less er ineenvenlenee, of whatever nature, suffered as a result ef amengst ether things. 22.1. Shertage cf water; 22.2. inundatlen ef fleed; 22.3. Any i'crce maybur event; 22.4. Slitatien cf the river cr darn basin: and 22.5. Required Reserve releases. Page a urs-i stirs-Africa ventures Ltd. suing Director-General T'aennyn Undergraunc deal Mine FILE NUMBER: LPGEHGE HID: NABFEIJMTEE APPE ll Sectien 21 cf the Act: Tairing water a water reseuree Table This licence autherises the taking at a maximum quantity cf 232?? cubic meter {m3} ef water per annum supply well EBHEEI lecatee en the farm Kremheelt 93 HT FteI encl 232 cubic meter {m3} cf water per annum frem supply well CBHES lecated en the farm Geedgeyenden 95 HT based en the schedule fer mining and demestlc use purpeses en 'r'zermyn 95 HT. 1: Summary ef Water Uses Applied fer hut-?tr 3.: he. . .I- -. .-. _La1.its? artists: we" 33:13:33: wells CBHED 21m} :?rrecf?pr: gg?sd?wmar 95 HT wells CEHBS The quantity cf water eutherisee te be talten in terms cf this licence may net be exceeded withcut pricr sutherisatien by the Minister. This license net imply any guarantee that the said quantities and qualities ei water will be available at present er at any time in the future. The abeyementlenec Iutclume may be reduced when the licence is reviewed. The licensee shall eentirauaily inyastlgate new and emerging teehnelegies and put inte practice water efficient deyices er apply technique fer the efficient use at water centainlng waste. In an endeayeur tc eensenre water at all times- The licensee shall be respensible fer any water use charges er levies, which may be Impcsec t'rcm time is time by the Department er respensible autherity in terms ef the Department's Fta'w Water Pricing Strategy. The Department accepts nc iiabllity fer any damage. less er Incenyenience. cf whateyer nature. suffered as a result cf: 7.1 shertage et water 12 in end atiens er fleerl 13 slltatien ef the reseuree; and is required resents releases. Page at 51 ?che-Af?ne Ventures [Fty] Ltd. Acting Dimmer-General "r'zennyn Undergreurrlzi IZeal Mine ,4pr FILE HUHBEH: 1HEI'TM51H'laml-lm UGEHEE B. The liaansae shall aalahliah and impl?amant a mntinual prunasa of raising awaranass amnngat itself, Its walkers and Etakahuidars fur the need to fur Fag! I at 51 ?mad?-lca Vaniwaa Ltd. Anilng Wamml Egg FILE NUMBER: LICENCE ND: ANNEKU RE ill Section S1tc} of the Act: tnI peding or diverting the flow of water In a watercourse Section Still} of the Act: Altering the bed, hanks. course or cheracterl of a rse 1. SEN EHAL 1.1 This licence authorises Atha?Atrlca 1 u'ientures {Pty} the and operation of Undergourrd Coat Mine and associated infrastructure on the properties as set out in Table 1 below for Sections S1Eci and water uses. Table 1: Summary of Water Uses Applied for nI- 1- I . - Stile} S'ireular II dSri-i Partial of Yzennyn SS Stii Sectional Steel it Him wetland system 1; Plot Tanks I Seep wetland {St} associated with {hi the PSD system for the purpose -I.-I.-I..-I. of water consecration 1: i reducing sue poretlen. Site} FED. silt trap and t?Sm Partial destruction oi SS HT Sit]: drying slab for I132Jtn1 wetland system 1_:Ptn1 waste water it 5m Seep wetland pollution control .-.--I. .uamnm Construction and NA Within of iI'zerII'Iyn SS HT Sti} operation of the wetland system 1 Ptn1 edit for access to - Seep wetland {51 it. underground Page oi 5-1 Alisa-Africa {Hy} Ltd. Acting Director-Garneral 1Seen? yn Underground Goal Mine zit/M NUMBER: LIEE NEE 1: I 1 assess-?Ci hit? ?1 ll law! 5" is. Hill: I II .1. 1?4 mine werltings E?lts} E'Censtrustien and HA Within 500m e??t?zermyn 95 HT 3; [ill aparatien ef the wetland system 1 3t 2t Pti'i1 main Eeap wetland [St El: platterrn Rely! Eteekpiie HA Within Eti?m at! 95 HT ?lm step A {Haw wetland system 1 E. 2' Casi} Seep wetland {51 E. 52} Etta} Halt-'1 Eteekpile: HA Within ??lltm ef ?r'sermyn HT El. {ijl slab wetland system ?1 ti 2: Ptn'i a?n1?l4a-5FE {Processed wetland {51 pmdust} Etta] D?lss Black and HA Within ett ?r?sermyn 95 HT .5: psirl'tingI area wetland system 1 E- 2: ?l Seep wetland {5?1 an as} 211's} Pipeline; EEDHD NA. Runs through wetland ?r'sermyn 96 HT til: Main system 1; seep Ptn?l Pump frern steel watlandt?t} tanks te Water TreaiInent Plant 211?s} Pipeline: HA. Ftuns threugh wetland ?i?zermyn 95 HT s. HDPE eutlel pipe system seep 'l tram Pep ta wetland tSti Steel Tanks 21(e} Pipeline: frem; NA Runs threugh wetland Fi? HT E. . dirty water sum system i; seep F?tn1 EDDT 3936.1? with fleat purn wetland {31} Page til} at 51 Aths~a?lss Iintentiirss iPtyJI Ltd, "r'zsrn?ryn Undergraund Desi I'u'llne Aisling DIreetnr?Eaneral (655% FILE MEMBER: LIE-EH NU: #1 L, I Ewe? E.- - . . ?11-14315? - walla Hillbil- .. .. ea beak td Darn Etta} Dirty water euta HA Runs tnraugh wetland 'i'zennyn 95 HT at [if] eff Fla-Drain system 1; seep F'tn 1 wetland {El} Etta} Dirty water euta HA Runs threugh wetlandi 'r'zermyn 96 HT 311:1} :ut'l' Fla-Drain}: system 1 ll- 2: see Ftn?l wetland {St St 52] 1' Etta]: Clean Water Cut- HA Within afi BE HT a {a an Fla-Drain a wetland system 1 a a; 1 Seep wetland {St ti 32} discharging inte seep wetland 52 21th:] Clean Ill'llater Cut- NA Runs threugh wetland 'fzermyn 9E HT an} UH Fla-Drama Slater" 1i SEEP Pm" senses-11E wetland {El} Etta} Clean 1il'llater Curt- NA Runs threugh wetland 'r'aemwn Elli HT ii ti] Fla?Drain system 1; Sleep ?l s?pm?g-EHE wetland {51] Etta} Clean water NA Within 5mm at ?i?zemtyn 96 HT .5: dlyersien Eterm a wetland system 1 S: 2. 1 514913.53 Seep wetland {31 an 52} 21{e} Clean water HA Ftuns threugh wetland Yzermyn 95 HT :5 diyersien Eerm system 1: Sean 1 wetland {31] Fag-ettulst lathe-atria: IIt'llaittlree- [Pty] Ltd. Undwamund Ceal Mine Acting Wetter-General Aw FILE NUHBER: i?ti??l'll'i?'ftannjm LIEENEE I . 1% - eramien :alts"ti" . ,em. - Canal A1, All. Pagetaet?t uselreoyoling 21:11:] MA Within E??rn of HT Canal A1- 5: Chute B1 Canal wetland system for Base wetland {51 ?El :1 . 1 process water to 52} 3D 3 5 report Elna? usae?resyoling. 30*13?4?9. . Chute Et- Canal E- Canal F- Ganal 3111*! 219:} Canal for MA Runs through wetland ss HT a. process water to system 1 Seep F?tn 1 report to the wetrem:t . FED for ra- Mha-Mrtoe (Ply) Ltd. "r?zen'njln Underground Goat Mine Milne Eleanor-General MT FILE 1?l'2ff?'ti5'l?zelmyn UBEHEE ND: 115M151 NAGFGWIITEE Undergraued {teal Mine ?was 1 '11: ?ail ?2?s T35 11411.. l? ?1 1. ?11] kg 151's ?1 passe? 1111111111 1%15311?11 i Leg-?1111151 1.111 1: r11!" y. ha. it 1. ?12; (tab? 1% 1 Hi: $31; ?111.11 151513.. *1?th 111;; 11 '1 H- I: if" 135'; {Evi' my 61}: it. km ?fth?? hani?t 1"?an ?1?1 fig-3% 211's} Em assess read NA Within Et?tin?l ef 913 HT 151 {it far heavy wetland system 1 E- 2: Pin 1 yehieies fer Seep wetiand {51 1E eelleetten of Alse runs preduet deal. threugh seep wetland 52 2111's] Tm assess read NA Within E??m pt 95 HT . E. fer light yehislss wetland system '1 $113553? Seep wetland {32} Alan runs threugh seep wetland SE Rem steskpile HA i Within E??m at 35 HT Genyeyer 3A - 15: eenyeyer 3A and wetland system 1 1?1 2: 1 211113-0153 seal preduet 3E5. Seep wetland 151 - 52} Cenyeyer EB - 'j 21(11} Psrimetsr fence NA Ftuns threugi'i wetland Tzewnyn 95 HT al?l system 1 312. SEEP BUI1EIEBI21IE wetland {51 S1 52} Etta] Eleetrielty supply HA Ftuns threugh wetland E15 HT . d: rents in pumps system 1 151 2; Seep '1 wetland 1:51 31 .: 211?s} Sewerage NA Within 500m at ?t?zermyn as HT I E: pipeline and wetland systere 2; 1 30"1 3151?? treated sewer Seep wettand {52} water pipeline - Treated Page 13 111151 11111111111111 'u'enlur?? ?Pty} Ltd, Adina Directetn?ea'lered 1&1 mm?u a?u?iuai?na?u? E?mZ?m In: $3.53 Emm?mmw?wmuwi.f.._ . ?humu?ma?mam?n mu Em 1053a man :mm. min?. ?mEmm 2h. i=2: mama .3 gamma}? mm m. ?33 :5sz m? E: 4 10D .3. mm an. Emm=m?mn SE Emau Mn: 3 - Emzmza mm #E?mu Emm? a Em?mw H. Um minimum .23 {Emma mm min? Emu: DE. 2} mwm?mi m? {33% mm IA 334mm: .1m m. 3 mm h. E??zm EH 3: A uujm?pmum n__mm_._m1mm no: mu czum??czu Emma uwmmum 9mm: Emnmq n5. E??mm mam?m3 .: {32de mm Id. m?jmd?m? W. 01 W??m m. Engm?m :zum?aczn 2:9. mEEm m: Emma Em?mn n5- 2} {331: mg Mu; m. a: ma?a: :52me Am: 3: m.mm.m_.m Emmjm?m an: 5 2:2 m?mnm . I Q. 131.33 Em. aim Eqm?mqhmama. mm. ?v .1523: Emm?aca mam; FILE LICENCE ND: Yemen Undergreund [teal . Ct" 1513?: - .. Pee- Treated eseess Wetland system waste water Seep wetland {31} Pm 1 discharge pelr?lt te undergreund fllter dralns Etta} Hehabilltatienef mt Wetland system 1 s2; 'fzern'lyn?? HT s1 5' Ill} disturbed seep I Seep wetlands St El 1 2153? Earls wetlands St at 52 during and . . .. $2 eperatien within the 30 13 42.9? infra structure 52 21in] Undergreund HA Wetland sysee"1"'s""' HT 31 E: mining 2; Seep wetlands P151 1 5 setiwties and Stveids channel 36 35 95 1 hettem EVEN 53 WEE Bat 21"?1 2535.138? 5"5 CV52 i_ Page 15 e! 51 Hilts-Atria: Ventures {Pt-r] Ltd, ?rsts-lg Director-General at? FILE NUMBER: LICENEE MEI: WHNABFEIJHTH 1. :5 a - . qu{rt-J :?irt-t . I1. LJER I Frill? I-. 2:331-..- 1 ilihkkq?L?-M Eur I 1 mtg}? 13.I- {Eh-?at? I . - W??p H. . 1m: 3. '2 Jul."- wr- ILJndaFgruund mining activitiss and wide; [wt it 3590?. I 2.5m We?a 2: Seat: wetlands S1. 52. 53. SE. SE. 512 ti: E13mhannet -- walla!"r bottom CV31 CUBE I thedgemndan -. .63'5 SE 112'? 512 313 CV31 EVE: 30?13?51 Page 16 at 51 Aim-Mm Venhjru: {Ply} Ltd. ?nal HIM Milan; Direc'tar-General HUHBER: LICENCE HO: Brant-IF475.? EL 3-. .r . "no? 51:; if?ir?i??i Eg? 1 i: i Ina. WK mmiu .23; .uiI- 23Undargmund Wetland systani ?1 E: Hinmiiuak 93 HT mining In 4: SEEP Pin: 1 activities and 1D-Ii?m 51 the ?nal Hailey 1 .. i voids buttum mm a 3? 1? 43"?5 2.5m [i1] BVE1 CV54 21111:} Underground Hum? Wetiand system 3 E: Kmmhuak 93 HT 59 5: mining I SEEP wetlands FIE antivltias and Iii-45m 59, channel wads vane-y buttum we 1, 3? 51'3?5 2.5m CUBE CV84 51? EVE 1 's CV54- 30??1?'33 ?i1"E Page 11' at 51 Athawhrrita Venture: {Ply} Lid. hallng Diraclnr-Ganarai ?rzm'mw UMa-rgmund cm Mina FILE HLllIl BER: LICENCE ND: [lime-1 NACFGIJMTEE ?net-e sv- s" ~-intestineresale-sis sites,- sis; liaisigrsuss I {ssh zss?sntsis 94 n? 5: ti] mining ill 3; Been wetlands 3,1 4.1 activities and 455ml} :5 53; channel vclce I 2.5m bettem EVE 2 3; {hi SB CV33 2113:} Ecrehcie Wetland system 1. 2, 93 HT: E: pipeline far 3 E: 11', Seep 1'ul'eallzii'sunlit T4 HT: cenzc e: a 39; Tcem'lyn 96 HT 3? 1549-9 channel 1?wallet:I . etc 1; Et? hettcm CW 1. HT: 3 E. EVE-1 Gcedgevenden EEHT WeTts'j" "Eis'r's'risis'W system 2 93 in pipeline for 13: Seen wetlands ST "Heather-k T4 System 2 - EBHES :5 33; channel valley Yzennyn 3?.0 Gcedgevcnden 5? SE - 95m" 1.2 The Licensee muet cairn,-r cut and ccmpiete the activitiee listed under ccnciiticn 1.1 tn the Ming Director-General Page IE c151 Arne-Africa (PM "r'zermyn Undergrcur? Ecel Mice 1.2.1. 1 .2.1 .0. NUMBER: 15'2?'f'll'll'51f?f'1ennjm LIEEHGE MD: Fteperts submitted te the Department er the Preylncial head. specifically: Updated Stermwater Management Plan fer the Prepesed Undergreund l[Zeal Mine, Highlands relegy {Pty} Ma reh 2015. Wetland Eeelegical Assessment as Part ef the Entdrenmental Assessment and Authcrisatiee Frecess fer the Frepesed Tsermyn r?eet Mining Prejsct near Mpumlanga F?reyinacer EcePa rtners. June 2014. Atha Teen?nyn l[Zeal Prejeet Eiediyersity Baseline Impact Assessment Ftepert, Natural Scientific Services. August 2013 and 5A5 Eiediyersity Ftepert reference: 5A5 EP FIere_Fauna_Wetiand Ysermyn Disc Fee and 5A5 Tzemtyn Wetland Assessment Water Use Research: AthesAfriea 1denture {Ply} it"ii'ater Usage fer a Prepcsed Undergreund Ccal Mine1 EcePartners. August 2014. Water Balance Eimulatien Medal (yer. 0.0d] Technical Regen. Siml'il Censufting, February 2015. "r?zermyn Undergreurtd l[Zeal Mine Numerical Greundinater Medal Repel-t, EeeF'artners. August 2014. Stakeheider Censultatien Ftepeprt ?r'serr'nyn Undergreund Eeal Mine. January 2014. Amended Enyirenmentel and Eeciaf Impact Assessment Rep-art and Enyirenmental and Secisl Management Pregrarnme: 'fzermyn undergreund Eeal Mine, EeeFertners. January 2015. Geetechnissl Raped: Yzennyn Deal Project. Mindset Mining Bensultants, June 2015. Integrated Water and Waste Management Plan fer ?r'sennyn Undergreund l0eal Mine. August 2015. 1.3 The cenditiens ef the authen?satien must be hrpught te the attentien ef all pet-sens lempleyess. sub-ceasultants, centracters eta} assecieted with the undertaking at these activities and the Licensee must take sueh measures that are necessary te bind sueh pereens tn the cenditiens [if this licence. 1.4 A sepy ef the water use and reperts set eut under densities 1.2 must he as site at all times during censtructien and eperetlen. 1.5 A suitaer qualified persen{s}i. appeinted by the Licensee. and eppreyed in writing by the Regienal Head must he respensibls fer ensuring that the activities are undertaken in cempliance with the speci?eeuens as set eut in rsperts submitted te the Depaitment er the Hespensible Autherity and the cendfliens ef this license- Page 1i e151 Ame-Africa 'u'entures. [F'ty} le. Adtil?rg Dimmer-General Vzennyn Undermeund Cast Mine daily 1.6 1.3 1.11 1.13 1.13.1. 1.13.2. 1.13.3. 1.14 HUHHER: LICENCE He: If the Licensee is net the end useri'beneticianir cf the water use reiated infrastructure and wiil net be respensible fer term maintenance and management cf the infrastructure. the Licensee must preside a far hand etrer la the successcr-in?title including a brief management .I'maintenance plan and the agreement far infrastructure alcng with allccaticn cf respensibilitlea. within three mentha at the date cf Issuance at this licence. Ne activity,r must talie place within the year line er the delineated riparian habitat. whichever is the greatest. cr within Stilt} radius the bcundary' cf wetland unless authcrised by this Licence. . Ne site activities must cecur baycnd the grapesed site lccatlcn is the eresien and sedimentatlcn and merited iimits cf disturbance. Waste generated an site must be dispcsed cf at licenced landfill. Wetland specialist. must supervise the rehabilitaticn cf alt disturbed areas. and re?tregetaticn must be speci?ed. The censtructicn in be deplcyed when creasing wetlands must be acceptable and the use at gablens and Fiend mattresses is ccmmendable as it will expedite the retcrmaticn cf the disturbed natural habitats. The risks asscciated with passible spillagas during must be adequateiy mitigated. water use activities in Table 1: Wart: methcd statements. site plants} and detalied design drawings fer the censtructian ef ati infrastructure impeding andr'cr diverting flew cf waterccurses as wait as alteraticns te waterceursalZs] en the properties must be submitted in the Firet'inciai l?tead fer written appreirai befcre and implemented as directed. The feregeing must indicate the regulated activities. marking the limits at disturbance in relaticn tn the impacted watermuraeta]: merphcicgyr cf the waterceurse?sj] site speci?c impacts; and enuircnmentai management. partlcuiarlzir eresien and sediment. and measures; Ne fundamental alteraticns cf the warlt methcd statements, site plan-{s} and drawings are aiicwed. unless a medificaticn is requested and granted by the Preuinclal Head In writing: and He sits activities must eccur beyend the prepeaed site lccaticn cf the createn and sedimentatlen and marked limits at disturbance. if the Licensee is net the end usen?heneficiart:r cf the water use related and wiil net be fer leng term maintenance and management at the Infrastructure. the Licensee must pretride a tar hand diver tn the succesaer-in-title including a brief ma nagementimaintensnce plan and the agreement Page at: at E1 ether-hires Ventures-{Pm Ltd. ?rming Director-General Underground Eda! h?na 1.1? FILE HUM BER: UEENBE MD: ?51 For Infrastructure along with allocation of within three months of the date of issuing of this license. An Elle and rehabilitation pian for the decommissioning of any of the water use activities listed in Table 1 must be submitted five years before commencing with closure to the Provincial Operations for written approval. For all the activities listed under condition 1.1. Table 1. "as-built? pianist and engineering drawirrgis} prepared by a registered professional engineer. must be submitted to the Regional Head within six months of completion of new activities and for existing water uses within six months of the date of issuing of this Licence. These plants] and drawingis] must indicate the watercourseis} inciudlng wetland boundaries and layout and structure locationis] of all infrastructure impeding andror diverting ?ow of watercourses as well as alterations to watercourseis] on the properties. Storm Water Management Pian must be compiled and submitted to the Provincial Head for written approval before construction may commence. . The Licensee wiil not be authorised to commence underground mining at Eoetl?onatin EM HT until the Licensee provides to this Department a signed copy of the DW 902 form by the surface rights owner of that property. 2. FHDTEGTWE MERE UHES 2.1 Storm water management and erosion control 2.1.1. Storm water management practices must be constructed. operated and maintained in a sustainable manner throughout the project and for the water use activities set out in condition 1.1 and must inciude but are not limited to the following: Increased runoff due to vegetation clearance andici? soil compaction must be managed. and steps must be taken to ensure that storm water does not lead to ba nit instability and excessive levels of slit entering the watercoursei's}; Storm water must be diverted from construction works. mining areas. stockpiies. pollution control dams, infrastructure areas and roads and must be managed in such a manner as to disperse when and to prevent the concentration of storm water flow; The velocity of storm water discharges must be attenuated and the banlts of the protected. notabiy In this environment of high rainfali; Storm water leaving the Licensee's premises must in no way be contaminated by any substance. whether such substance is a solid. liquid. vapour or gas or a Page :1 of 51 Atha-Afrlca Acting Director-General ?raermvn Underorovnd Coal ruins i all ?3 FILE NUMBER: ND: Mif combination thereof which is produced. used. stored. dumped or spilled on the premises; Drainage next to the activities listed in Table 1 must be diverted away from the watercourseisl to ensure that any contaminated mnoff does not ?ow directly into the watercoursets} as a storm water discharge: Sheet runoff from pavedI compacted, hardened surfaces and access roads need to be curtailed; 2.1.1.?r Erosion control measures must be implemented to avoid erosion in areas that are prone to erosion. such as the steep slopes and drainage lines. Fill erosion control mechanisms need to be regularly inspected and maintained; Development platforms above wetlands and buffer zones must be sloped away from water resour?ces to divert ninoff away from fill smbanitments and users. Fteduce runoff from hardened surfaces by strategically placing structures such . as grassed swales. Hyson Cells or grass blocks to enhance infiltration. Stilling basins must be Installed beiow all outlets and suitable announ?ng of the buffer zones area te.g. rend-mattresses with vetiver bands} must be installed below all stormweter outlets prior to flows entering wetlands iwaterooursee. Dn-site attenuation of stormwater flows must talte place prior to discharge to the receiving watercourses. such that the post development flood panics within the northern and southern watercourses draining the dewlopr'nent site do not exceed ore-development iiood peaks. Post development flow volumes discharged by the stormwater reticulation infrastructure must be split behvsen the north and south watercourses in similar proportions to the pre-deveiopment catchment state. 2.2 Structures. construction site and materieis 2.2.1 The necessary erosion prevention measures must be employed to ensure the sustainability of all structures. 2.2.2 The height. width and length of structures must be limited to the minimum dimension necessary to accornplish the intended function. 2.2.3 Structures must not be damaged by ?oods exceeding the magnitude of floods occurring on average ones In every 100 years. 2.2.4 Structures must be non-erosive. structurally stable and must not induce any ?ooding or safety hazard. Page 22 of 51 ?che-nines Itinctures iPIy} Lid. noting Director-General mi se .3. 2-2-5 2-2-6 2.2.7Ir FILE. NUMBER: LICENCE Ht}: FEMHNAEFGEJHTEE Structures must be inspected reguiariy fer accumulatieri cf debris. elecirage. ereslen cf abutments and everiictv areas - debris must he remeved and damages must be repaired and reinforced immediately. The cenetructien camp, ecuipmei?ll and material stockpiles must he lecated eutside the extent at the waterceureeie and must be recevered and remeved within a pericd ef ans rnenth after cempletien cf activity. Eresien harms shall he installed fer the entire te prevent gully fermallen. ascending tn the slepe {Table The designs and placement at the harms must be dene by a registered. pretessienai1 independent lIZtivil Engineer and appreved in writing by the Previnclsi Head haters censtructicn aemmances. EterTns must he vegetated with indigencus vegatatien. Table 2: Ercelen pretecticn berm placement Track slepe Berm placement ?223 Every in 2% 13% Every 25 Every Ed at mm. Ema-Fm; 2.2.3 All areas affected by censtructien sheuld be rehabilitated upcn cempletien cf the 2.2.2 2.2.113 eenstructlen phase at the development. Areas sneuld he reseadad with Indigenous vegatatien species as required. and the use at seed nets ls recpmn?iandad te prevent eresien- Ne vehicles shail be aliewed ta indiscriminately drive threugh any wetland areas. Any access reads. haul reads er cressings sheuid he: 2.2.tl11 Men-arealve, structurally stable and sheutd net induce any fieeding er safety hazard: 2.2.1 [1.2 Any damage is te be repaired immediately tc prevent further ds mega: 2.2-1i13 Nen-peiiutlng with respect te silt and litter that can he depesited Irite a 2.2.1D.ai- Net censist at any ccal. semanaceeus andier ether peiluting materiel; 2-2.1t15 Waterccurse dressings te iaciiltate the mevement cf aquatic and nan?aquatic erganisrns and fauna: and 2.2.1i}.E Eressing surfaces and reads must he tarred er cencreted aleng the ardent cf the waterceurae and the regulated area at a wetland and extent at least Page 23 cf 51 Alha-AFrica 1dentures {Pity-ii Ltd. Acting [theater-Gamers! ?triennyn Underground Gael Mina My ring? an. i FILE LIGEHCE beycnd the extent cf the waterceurse te minimise impacts en the characteristics ef the waterceurse. 2.2.11 Where pessibler activities sheuld be scheduled fer dry winter menths te decrease the risk ef aresien during heavy thundersterms. 2.2.12 Natural drainage lines and wetiands cetstde ef the structure feetprint must be treated as sensitive areas. with highly restricted use. activities inside these areas must be clearly stipuisted and treated as unique situations and silica pticrts. 2.2.13 The Licensee must pretest all areas susceptible tc aresien and ensures that there is he unadue seil aresien resultant activities within and adjacent te censtruetien camp and went areas. 2.2.14 The Licensee must net permit vehicular er pedestrian access lets the wetland areas. 2-2.15 Ftetain natural indigencus trees. shrubbery and grass species wherever pessible. 2.2.15 The Licensee must net drain. fill er alter in any way. any wetland er drainage line. including the riverbanits unless this ferms part cf the censtructien autherlsed in this ilcense- 2.2.1? The Licensee must act ailew aresien te develep en a large scale befere effecting repairs. When in deubtI seek advice frem the Envirenmental OfficeriEntercnmentat Centre! Officer. 2.2.12- must he te lie perpendicular a wetland and net diagcnally as this wtti create preferential fiew paths which wilt ultimately desiccate the wetland. 2-2.12 The methed used creasing must prevent the cencentretien cf fiew and thus the rislt ef seil aresien. 2.2.2? Staci: plies must be rs-vegstated te stabiilse the sell. reduce run-eff and minimise 2.2.21 A iew temperery berm between the wetlands and stecltpiles must be tc intercept flows with its nsperted sedlment and ailew them is settle cut. 2.2.22 The vclu'rne cf sterrn water run-eff sheuld be minimised by limiting the area ef impermeable surfaces and cempacting seils. 2.2.23 Eahicn structures must be used is reduce the velecity and velurnc which weuld dissipate the energy at stem-'1 water rnevement and dlsperse the flaws ever a wider area. 2.2.24; Culvert discharges must include a reclt packed mattress is prevent gully aresien. 2.2.25 Upslepe ef the authetised culverts drep dewn weirs sheuid be incerperated in the censtructien ef the culverts te prevent the fermattcn cf head cuts. 2.2.25 Hazardcus material must be stated eutsitie the extent at the waterccurse and disease ef at a registered land?li site. Page 24 cf 51 A?ca-Mrica 'v'iaritures {F'lyJ Ltd, Hit-ting Direclerh?aneral ?i'zen?nyn iJn-zlargreund Deal lvline FILE NUHBER: LIE-E NEE 05?? 222? Designs are te be safe fer decals and animals- 2.3 Water Quality 2.3.1 The Licensee shetl sample the water quaiity weelrty {during eenstructicn} and [cberatienj fer the mentiened variables {Table 3} at menitcring peirtts beth upstream and cf the activities. and raced in the Authcrity within thirty days after the results at each sampling event is received: Table 3: Water parameters releva nt fer sampling 1 variable - - . Limit Temperature inc} stilt-ti variatien Era 35 Electrical ccnductivity [mSi'mi e50 Suspended selids [33] sec Disselved esygen {mart} "ii-T Turbidity sc nmmenia {unit} .- 15 The variables may be amended an discrettcn cf the Haspensrbie Autberi'nr. ?atly an accredited racersrenr can be used Tar anaryers. 2-3-2 Menlterlng must be undertaken as set cut in 4 cf Annexura 2.3.3 li'ienitcririg must centinue fer three years after the cassatlcri cf the activities iieted in cenditicn 1.1 at Annexure ill. 2.3-4 Turbidity. sedimentatlen end chemical changes is the cempesitien ct water must be limited and menitcrec' bath upstream and efthe develepment. 2.3.5 Activities that lead tel elevated levels at turbidity cf any waterccurse must be prevented. reduced. er cther?wise remediete- 2.3.3 Genstructien. caeratien and maintenance activities must be scheduled is take place during dry seesens when ?aws are icwest where reasenably pessible. If this is net pessibte and it management measures have net been previded far in the reperts submitted in the Previnciel Head. the Licensee must submit such is the Provincial Head fer a written apercvel befere these activities cemmerice. Natural in stream reiegy is te be used in determine which menths censtitute the law flew menths- Page :5 at 51 Mia-nines {Pry} Ltd. Acting master-General . lira 3% xi? NUMBER: 1325111251wa USENET-E Peiluticn cf and dispesairspillage er any material inte the waterceurse must be presented, reduced, er etherwise remediate threugh preper eperatien. maintenance and affective preteetlye measures. 2.3-3 'ti'ehicies and ether machinery must be serviced weli ebcye the 1:1?t] year fiend-line cr cuter edge at the riparian habitat whicheyer is the greatest. Oils and ether pctentlal pcilutants must be dispesed at at an licenced site. with the necessary agreement frem the ewner at such a she. 2.3.2 Any hasardeus substances must be handled acecrding tn the releyant legistet'ten relating te tre sterage and use ef the substance. 2.3.1i2i All reagent stcrage tanks and reaches units must be supplied with a banded area huitt he the capacity at the facility and with sumps and pumps tc return the spilied material back inte the system. The system must be maintained tn a state at geed repair and standby pumps must be presided . 2.3.11 1ii'ii'here water guaiity parameters {Table 3} are net met1 the Licensee must indicate te the Respensible Authcrity what the isi'are and actions taken 1e meet eempliance. This eempenent is part at the reperting cenditien as stiputated under cenditlen. 2.4 Flew regime 2-4.1 The Licensee must determine ?tted lines {1:53 and 1:1[1? year) prier 1e censtructicri tc ensure risks are adeg uateiy managed. Flecd lines must be ctesriy indicated an the site giants} and drawings aieng with all wetland beuedaries. 2.4.2 The must he eeneucted in a manner that dees net negatiyely affect catchment yieldr hydreiegy and hydraulics. The Licensee must ensure that the eyerall magnitude and free ue ney ef ?ew in the wetereeurse{s} dces net decreaseI ether then fer natural parattye lesses and autherlsed sttenuetien yeiurees. 2.4.3 Apprepdate design and mitigatien measures must he deyele-ped 1c minimise impacts en the natural fiew regime ef the waterceurse i.e. thrcugh placement cf structuresrsupperls and tc minimise tuteuient flew in the watereeurse. 2.4.4 Structures to be designed in a way to preyent the ct wetland water and net impact en the ftew ef the water. during the censtructien and eperatienal phases at all deyeicpmehts. I 2.4.5 The Licensee must ensure that deyeiepmeht dces net impede naturat drainage lines. 2.4.5 The Licensee must appeint a prel?essienatl independent. qualified and registered ecelcgist and to determine the ecclegleal flew releases required fer all impacted waterccurses. which must he seemed in writing by the Ftaglenal Head Page 2d at 51 ether-atria: Ventures Ltd. sum Harvester-Genera! 5? 2.4.5 2.5 2-5-1 2-5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4- 2.5.5 FILE NUMBER: t?m??l?ti?r?s?myn LICENCE ND: D5M51NAEFEIJHTIE within after the Issuance ct this License. and ensure that these releases are maintained and reperted as part ct ccnditicns 3.3.1 and te sustain all watemcurses. The characteristics cf the streambed are likely tc be altered lccaily. in particular the recit and rubbie created during the es nstructicn prccess is likely te have sharp edges. and net smeeth surfaces that are typically asseciated with river recite and pebbles. All reels and rubble must be remeved item the waterceurse cnce has been ecmpleted. Any recit placed in the waterceurse te enhance the disseived exygen centth at the water must adhere tc the same criteria. namely cnly smeeth recit surfaces tc be placed within the waterccurse- The Licensee shall measure water levels in all menilcn'ng berehcies In a titrn radius srcund all the mining every three menths tc establish any dewaten'ng impacts en the watereeurses. nctably the wetland. and must be evaluated by a prefessienai. registered wetland specialist and when water levels vary mere than 111% frem the previeus menitering event and be repented ta the Ftegienal Head fer written eernrnent within thirty {an} days after each meniten'ng event. The impact cf water level reducticn, iess base fiew tc the waterceurses and impacts en the characteristics cf a waterceurse must be given attenticn under eenditicn 5-2 Riparian and ln-stream Habitat {Vegetatien and Merphelegy] Activities [including spill clean-up} must start up-stream and prcceed intc a dcwn- stream direction. sc that the reccvery precesses can start immediately. witheut further disturbance upstream Upsreticn and stcrage cf equipment must net take place within the 1:155 year ficed line er delineated riparian habitat. whichever Is the greatest uniese euthen?sed in this license. lndigencus riparian vegetatien, including dead treesI eutside the limits cf disturbance indicated in the site plans must act be rerncved tram the area. Alien Eradicatien Plan tc be implemented and reccrded. Alien and invader vegetatlcn rnest net be allewed is further eelenise the area. and all new alien vegetatien recruitment must be sustainably eradicated er centrelled as per Aiien Eradicatien F'Ian- Existing vegetaticn must be maintained er impreved by maintaining the naturai vs ria bilily in flew tiectuaticns. Fish abilitated areas shail have at iesst 5% basal ccver within ene year and imp-revs te 12% by year 3 after ?rst seeding and tc 15% by year 5. Page ii" at 51 Alha-Africs iF'tyjl Lie. Acting Dimmer-General ?r?zennyn Beet Ivline PtUlIl BER: 1W2?'i?l?i?51?'termm LICENCE NU: W1NEBFEMHTIE 2.5.5 Recruitment and maintaining ct a range at size ciasses cf dcminant riparian species in peren niai channels must be stimuiated. Encreachment cf additienal ascetic species and terrestrial species within the wetland area and the riparian habitat must be disceumgsd. 2.5.5 All reasenabie steps must be taken te minimise neise and mechanical in the vicinity cf the watereeurses and especiallyI during night time [22:55 te 05:55} in iteep neise belevv within the 155m wetland buffer sane and the riparian habitat. 2.5.5 The necessary eresicn preventicn mechanisms must be empicyed tc ensure the sustainability cf structures and activities and te prevent sedimentatien within the waterceurses. 2-5-15 Scils that have became cempacted thrcugh the water use activities must be tcesened te an appreprtats depth is allew seed germinatien. 2.5.11 Siepei'banlt stabilisatien measures must be implemented with a 1:3 ratie er ?atter and vegetated with indigencus vegetaticn immediately after the shaping. 2.5-12 The indiscriminate use cf machinery within the watereeurse areas {iriciuding the riparian habitat} will lead in cempactien cf sails and vegetaticn and must therefcre be strictly eentrciled. 2-5-13 Operatien activities and sterage cf equipment in the riparian habitat te be prevented as far as pessible- 2.5.14 Siccitpiling cf remcved sail and sand must be stared cutside cf the 1:155 iine er 155m the delineated riparian habitat. whichever Is the greater, in prevent being washed inte the river and must be cevered te prevent wind and rain eresien. 2.5.15 The cverali macrc-channel structures and rncsaic ct and graveis must be maintained by ensuring a balance between sediment depesitien and sediment cenveyance maintained. .5. natural ficcding and sedimentatien regime must thus be ensured as far as reasena bty pessible- 2.5.15 As much indigencus vegetaticn as pessible sheI-rid be within the prepcsed develeprnent area in erder te pretect sell and tc reduce the percentage ef the surface area which is paved. 2.5.1?r Where applicable, disturbed riparian zene ii.e. fer these areas that will net farm part at the eperatlensi teeter-int but that were disturbed as part at the censtructien activities] shcuid be re-vegetated using site-apprepriate indigencus vegetaticn. Alien Invasive vegetaticn must be eradicated and net te ceienize the disturbed riparian and instrearn areas. 2.5.15 Rehabilitaticn cf the disturbed riparian zene must eccur during and after cempleticn at censtrusticn. i-tn aquatic specialist and ecelcgist must eversee this precess- 2.5.15 Censtructien camps must be at least teem tram the edge at the riparian sens. Page as e1 51 Athensi'rias yet-titres [F1y} Lid, eating minister-General "r'zer'rnyn Lindergmund Eeel Mine FILE til UHEIER: UCEN-CE ND: 2.5.25 Teilet facilities must be lpcated at least ?155m the edge at the rlparlari zcne. 2.5.21 Hp harvesting cf indigencus plants and animals in and adiacent tc the arll. 2.5.22 Slcpeibanlt stabilizaticn measures must be implemented where necessary. tc prevent arcsicn during the and eperatipnal phases. 2.5.23 The use at machinery the riparian zcne may lead tc ccmpactiph cf sails and vegetstleh. This will lead tc decrease cf cf rain waterI increases in run?c? water and-will timit re-yegetatien frcr'ri place. It is thus reccmmended that sit cempacted areas that dc farm part at the activity be plcughed. landscaped te the naturai slepe cf the area and aerated felicwed by re-yegetaticn. 2-5-24- Metheds used during cf infrastructure must limit turbidity. sedimentatien and chemical changes to the cf the water. 2.5.25 The passibility ct spitlages should be catered far in the design cf the Infrastructure where example. attenuaticn pricr tn the discharge cf staph-water cculd be er the watm systems themselves cculd be designed in such a way that it can be easily sealed c? after the at a spilt. If a spill during the cperaticnal phase at the infrastructtsa. a suitable qualified team cf experts will need tc be censulted and rehabilitaticn plan must be drawn up and implemented. 2.5.25 Any disturbance in the riparian zcne that can cause undercutting and i'cr bent: slumping must be prevented. Disturbed areas shall be rehabilitated. 2.5-2? All reascnable steps must be made tc maintain the wilderness quali?es cf the waterccurses. In particular. impacts and aesthetic appraisal shall be minimized. 2.5.25 Any mediclnal plants that are impacted upcn must be assessed by the Authcrity and a registered. prcfessicnal specialist and relecated. it necessary. tc a suitable site. This activity must tat-ta place within thirty {35} days after the issuance at this Llce rise and precf must be submitted tc the Prayin-cial Head written 2.5.22 Present State and Reccmmended Gategcry at E: in be maintained. 2.5.35 Plant search and rescue tc be Implemented and raccrded. 2.5.31 Final Landscape Maintenance Plan to be submitted tn the Heed fer within three menths cfthe licence being issued. 26 Bieta Page 2'5 cf 51 whence: Ventures {Hy} Ltd. Acting Director-General Undergrcune Casi I'Iitlne gay FILE Licence no: 3.3.1 The Licensee must taite all reasonable steps to allow movement of aquatic species. including migratory species. Any fencing of the property must also allow for drainage and the movement of small animals through the fencing. 3.3.3 All reasonable steps must be taken not to disturb the breeding, nesting andror feeding habitats and natural movement patterns of aquatic biota. 2.3.3 The current level of diversity of biotopes and comm unities of animals. plants and microro rga rtisms must be maintained. 3 AND MANAGEMENT 3.1 The rehabilitation plan must be submitted to the Provincial Head for approval prior oom menoem ent of the rehabilitation. 3.2 A habitat assessment study must be undertaken annually for three years to ensure that rehabilitation is stable: failing which remedial action must be tairen to rectify impacts. 3.3 The rehabilitation of all wetlands on site as well as wetlands that were destroyed during mining must be reinstated as follows: The integrity score of any Category it and Category wetland must not drop below 23% from the baseline. Prior to the end of Life of Mine. the condition of those wetlands must be brought bacit to baseline condition. 3A The Licensee must emberir on a systematic long-term rehabilitation programme to restore the Itrateroourser's to environmentally acceptable and sustainable conditions after completion or the activities. which must include. but not be limited to the rehabilitation of disturbed and degraded riparian areas to restore and upgrade the riparian habitat Integrity to sustain a bio-diverse riparian ecosystem. and to improve resilience to erosion. The Hehabliltatlon Plan must Include the following: 3.4.1 Measures for the control of erosion within the receiving watercourses. riparian zones and adjacent terrestrial areas. 3.4.2 Specific rehabilitation interventions and structures to deactivate erosion headsets. stabilise channels andior protect the watercourses from the stormwater discharge. 3.4.3 Active planting. re-vegetatlon and management of the riparian habitat and buffer zone to improve the integrity and resilience of the watercourses draining the development site. 3.5 Rehabilitation must be commence within ?ve working days of mine closure. 3.3 Trench is to be open for minimal length of time. Top eoll must be stripped and redistributed. Page st] of 51 ethane-fries [F'tyi Lid. hetero Director-General ?emtyn Underground Coal Mine agrees 3% err/l Ht?ll EEFutt I?ii?r?l'tl'?'tf?fzermyn LICENCE 3.3 The Previncial Head wilt sign a release from indicating that rehabilitation was done satisfactery. 3.3 Ail disturbed areas must be revvegetatad with indigenaus piants in consultation with an plant expert. ensuring that during rehabilitation only indigenous shrubs. trees and grasses are In restoring the 3.10 An active campaign for controlling Invasive species must be implemented within disturbed zones to ensure that it does not become a conduit for the propagation and spread of Invasive exotic plants. 3.11 Ftehabilitaticn structures must be inspected regularly for the accumuiatlon of debris. blockages and ercaicn with conccmitant remedial and maintenance actions. 4 MONITORING AND 4.1 The Provincial Heed must be notified in writing one weelt pricr ta commencement cf the licensed activity {iss} and again upon completion of the activity {lee}. 4.2 A cemprehensive and appropriate environmental {including bio-monitoring} assessment, monitoring and auditing plan and ta determine the impact, changeI deterioration and Improvement of the aquatic system associated with the activities listed under condition 1.1 of Annexure Ill as well as compliance to these water use licence must be deveiopad and submitted to the Provincial Head for a written approval within sis months of the commencement of the activity and must subsequently be implemented as directed. 4.3 The Monitoring Plan referred to In 4.2 abcve must inciude the follewing ltey components: 4-3.1 Monitoring of bictcgical water quaiit'y indicators. physicchemical and chemical water quality determinants. 4.3.2 Inspections of stormwaler and wastewater infrastructure. 4.3.3 monitoring, including tit-ted paint photography. 4.3.4 Channel ercslon 4.3.5 Monitoring and inspection of rehabilitation Interventicns and cutccn'ies. 4-3.3 additional water quality monitoring points are to be included further tl'lE 4.4 An Environmental Control leicer must be appointed and heishe will be responsible monitoring cf the affected areas. 4.5 5h: month monitoring reports must be submitted to the Provincial Head until otherwise agreed in w'litlng with the Previnclal Head. Page 31 at 51 Allie-Aim Ventures Ltd. Acting Director-?eneral ,4 MI FILE NUMBER: UQEHEE ND: HEMSTNAEFGIJMTIH 4.5 A qualified environmental management Specialist must be retained by the Licensee who must give effect to various iicence conditions and to ensure compiiance thereof pertaining to all activities of impeding andror diverting ?ow of watercourses as well as alternations to watercourses on the property as set out in condition 1.1 of Annexure lit. The Licensee must conduct an annual internal audit on cornpiiance with the conditions of this licence. A report on the audit must be submitted to the Provinciat Heed within one month of the flnailsation of the audit. A qualified independent auditor must undertake this audit. 4.3 The audit reports must include but are not limited to: 4.3.1 Receding in respect of the monitoring programme referred to in condition 4.2 at Annexure Ill; 4.3.2 a. record of Implementation of all mitigation measures and implementation of the watercourse rehabilitation and management plan inciuding a record of corrective actions. 4.9 The applicant must apply in writing to the Provinciat Head for alternative monitoring and reporting arrangements for which written approval must be provided. 5. FDLLUTIDH INEIDEHTE AND 5-1 Any incident that may cause poliution of any water resource must immediately be reported to the Provincial HeadI during the construction, operation and decommissioning phases of the activities. 5.2 if surfaoe andi'or groundwater pollution has occurred or may possibly occur. the Licensee must conduct. andi'or appoint specialists to conduct the necessary Investigations and imp-iamant additional monitoring. poiiution prevention and remediation measures to the satisfaction ofthe Provincial Head. 5.3 The Licensee shalt keep all records relating to the compliance or non-oompiiance with the conditions of this licence in good order. Such records shall he made available to the Provincial Head within 14 {fourteen} days of receipt of a written request by the Department for such records. as The Licensee shall keep an incident report and complaints register. which must be made ave iiabie to any extemal auditors and the Department Page 32 of 51 Alba-Africa Ventures (Ptyj Ltd. Acting Director-General can? FILE LICE NEE HG: AMHEIURE I?d" Section 21 if} of the Act: Discharging waste or water containing waste into a water resource Section 21 of the Act: Disposing of waste in a manner Which may detrimentailyI Impact on a water resource 1. AND DPERETICJH 1.1 in the case of new facilities. the Licensee shalt submit as-built detailed design drawings of the works together with a concise design report for approval by the Regional Director within months of issuance of the licence. 1.2 The Licensee shall carry out and complete the activities according to the Report in 1 .1 above as approved by the Regional Director and the licensee must as well submit a set of as built drawings to the Regional Heed after the completion of the new facilities as indicated in the Report. 1.3 All construction must be carried out under the supervision of a professional Civil Engineer1 registered under the Engineering l[Jotrncil of South Africa. as approved by the designer. 1.4 Within thirty {30} days after the completion of the activities referred here in accordance with the relevant provisions of this licence. the Licensee shall In writing, Inform the Regional Director thereof. This shall be accompanied by a signature of approval from the designer referred to shove that the construction was done according to the design plans referred to in the Report. 1.5 The construction of the facility shall be designed in such a manner that no pollution due to seepage from the facility shall occur 1.6 The Licensee must ensure that the operation and maintenance of the dirty water holding dams are done according to the protdslons In the Report. The Licensee shall conduct a material classification of the waste rocir material to con?rm the class 3 assumed in the barrier design within 6 months of commencement of the mining operation. Should there be a variance in the material ciassification between the assumed and the actualr remedial action to ensure compliance to the Regulatory requirements on barrier systems for all pollution risir facilities must be submitted to this Department. 1.3 The Licensee must ensure a Type harder system for the Pollution Control Dam and the stockpile pads. This barrier system must comply with Regulation BBS. with 23-: 150mm compacted clay layers below the HDFE liner. An under-drainage Page as or ?t Arne-Mess 'v'enrures tF'tv} Ltd. Acting Director-General Underground Coal Mine 1.9 1-14 NUMBER: ND: NMFEIJHTEE system must he previded fer the barrier system fer the stecltpile pad since a 2m separatien [as required by regulation} between the stecltpile material and the water tattle wi net he pessittle. All water eentalning waste dispesal facilities as specified in this licence shall he epersted and maintained te have a minimum fresh-card ef {1.5 metres aheve full supply larval and sit ether water systems related theretc shell Ice eperated in such a manner that it is at all times capable cf handling the 1:50 veer heed-event en tep cf its mean eperating level. The water levels eff all dirty water eantalnrnent facilities. specifically dams used te stere water centalning waste fer rewuse er dispesal shall he recerded weekly. The Llcensee shall use schnewledged metheds fer sampling and the dateI time and sampler must be indicated fer each sample. Flew metering devices. shall he maintained in a spend state cf repslr and callcrated lay a eempetent persen at intervals ef net mere than ence in twe years. Calibratien certi?cates shall he avalleleie fer Inspectien by the Regienal Directer er his representative upen request. The Licensee shall ensure at all times that the centaminated waler frem the dams is pumped te keep the dams as empty as pesslele as indicated in the Raped. The pcllutlen plume mcdel must he repel'led upen In the Hepert referred is In 1.1 aheve. 1. DF WASTE DR WATER WASTE 2.1 The Licensee Is autherlsed te discharge waler eenteining waste te the Wetlands System 2 cf a maximum quantity ef 3361 m"1 cf treated effluent per annum frem 'l?zennyn es HT The Sectien 21d] water have been summarlsed as fellews in Table 1: 21ml accepts his quality Inte the wstla Discharging excessl 3&1 Wetland system 2; ?l'zermyn EIE HT 1 2TH ceases waler treslsd te an male Seep wetland 3d?13'35 Page 34 cf 51 ems-Africa Watch-cc tF?tvt Ltd. ?rming DIraeter?General "l'lz?lTT'lyt'l ?3ch FILE LICENCE HG: DWI1NMFGIJMTEE 2.2 Flow metering devices sha? be maintained in a sound state of repair and calibrated by a competent person at intervals of not more than once In two years. Calibration certi?cates shail be available for inspection by the Regional Director or his representative upon request. 2.3 The quality of water containing waste discharged into the Wetlands System 2 shall net exceed the fcilowing limits as specified in Table 2 below: Table 2: Quality at water containing waste to be discharged Constituent Average Discharge Concentration Eeliiorrns {Botany Forming i} Enteric pai'hcgens e-g- ill Forming i . Alkalinity 2t! .- Aluminium as Al [mgr?li Ceiciuml'rngl'i} 1513 Ghioridetrng?} 50 Potassium 5t} iron as Fe [mglli 0'1 Sodiom i so Magnesium as Mg {mgl?l} 5 pH at Eli-degrees Celsius es Suiphate as 501i- lmgil?i Elli Total dissoheed solids {mgr?i} 450 Total Suspended Solids 5 . . . .. .. 511.3. 2. DF WATER WASTE The Licensee is authorised to store and dispose water containing waste as indicated in Table 3. Page 35 cf 51 Alba?Africa Ltd, Acting Diredor?Gonerai Underground Coal Mine df?i gill/Mi Ta hle 3: Summary ef Water Uses Applled fer FILE ND: err-hymn? ?at-"lag? ft tr. "1ft: c?ft" yer-1% 1'1??ch "all: a: . tit 3:1 214;th Helyl [t?ha Within seem at ~t?sermyn 95 HT stat: A wetland system '1 EL 2; Ease wetland {51 E: 52} 21th Rent [1.5113 Within at ?r?zermyn 95 HT slab Et ?ates wettand system 1 S: 1 seal steeltpile 2; Seep wetland {31 St 52} 211g]: Disposal and 115 511 Wetland system 1; Tzermyn t??lE HT storage at mats Seep wetland {51} 1 eentemlnatad water in pellutien eentrel dam 211:9} Tanks [1.3ha Wetland system Tsarmyn t-El? HT the PCB system Etta} ?.1ha Wetland system 2; ?r?zermyn 96 HT Sewerage Seep wetland {52] Pm 1 treatment plant 2119} Sewage eellds [lthe - Within E??m e1 ?t?zermyn 95 HT tram treatment wetland system 1 313:1 . he he 52; Seen wetland temperan'ly {31 E: SE) stared 211:9} Wastewater ?1361 Within E??lm at Teetmyn 913 HT Treatment Plant m?t'a wetland system 1 ti. 1 30.1335.an Aths-Mnsa Underground Gee-E Mine Ae1lng Dttester?Gerraral Mfr" LICENCE acetate tee-teeter.?Ft?v?sl? in? sen-resentEf?g- 9 .. yo? ?w desires-hm . - - x. 335*: . .L t' eke-Jae a" . . . aeti- ts;- ?were . meal 2; Ease wetia nd {51 tit 52} May 2015} Water treatment Ulha Withln 5mm of irzermyn 96 HT . brine to be Iu-retlanrj system 1 .5 Pin 1 30"1 3' orystaltised and E: Seep wetland {St temporarily ti. 32] stored 21ig} Hazardous tithe Withlr'l 500m of ?rzermyn 95 HT E. waste form wetland system 1 1 workshops to be 3.2; Seep wetland temporarily {31 32} stored 211,33} Fellution Control Eha Wlthin of Dar" WEtland s?lSeep wetland (Si 3; 52]: Eifg} PCB process 29 E?r?m of Tzermyn BE water ?sad far m?f? 5351:5111 '1 45:. HT Pt? .1 dust suppression 2; Seep wetland on reeds - 3? 52) the mining footprint 3.1 The quantity of wastewater authorised to be disposed in terms of license may net be exceeded without prior authorisation try the Minister- 3.2 The quality of waste water disposed may net exceed non?exoeetianoe values or range as in Table 5 and any other yariahtes that may he presorihed by the Regional Head from time to tlrne. Page 31' at 51 Ame-Africa Ventures tF?tyII Ltd. A?lng Erector-General Undergrdund Bea! Misc ,4 any: 6W FILE NUMBER: t?l'EHJ'WHNIermyn LICENCE HO: 4. DF WASTE WATER TD BE DISPDEED 4.1 The water cantaining waste to be diseased of must be within the following range as indicated in Table 4. Table 4: Water sentaining waste that can be dispensed Eenstituant Am menia{mgil} [3:1 El Alkalinity {malt} Arsenisimg?} 0?1 13.5 Aluminium :14 as Barlurnirngii] Gad miumfmgii} {1-0.3 Ehlerideimg?} 100-1 an Petassium 5.21 Calcium as Ga {mgil} 0?5 Dans Gebatt 35 Ce {mail} . . ?apper as Cu Ell-1 Fluorides as {mail} 54 5 Iran as Fe {mgl'l} 2-10 ?Lead as Pb {mgfl} 0-1 Ii?ee'iutir'n' .. Ti? 0-0.05 Magnesium as Mg {mgr'i} 5mm pH at 25 degrees lilelsius 5.9 5 Sulphate as {mgil} . . . mm?! Em Page EB at 51 Alhaw?tfriee Ventures {Pl-5r: Ltd. Acting [Intranet-Genera Undergreund Ceei Mine 9594 FILE NUMBER: LEEMBE ND: DEM51NAEFGW4TEE Teta! Suspended Eeltde Uranium 1tl'ar'tadlurn Ma ee Mn 4.2 Except fer eurelue weter eenteinirtg waete h?em Tzernwn Underground Beet Mlne no water eenteintng waste erlginating from any ether eeurea he er inte the da ma. 4.3 The water aentained in the dams may net be discharged trite anyr natural water eauraa. 4.4 The water eentatning waste ta be dispersed far duet must he wtthin the fellewing range ere indicated in Tabla 5. I Range >?ltreT?iErTnE?i Edd e?tt?" Aluminium ?it?{Fright Ddl?? 5 tree seamen 5?21 Ceteiurn ea Ce ?3 1? Nickel $5 3 Mereury Cebalt ae Ge {mutt} Deeper ea Cu {mgr'l} 5-1 35 {man} 515 ee Fe {mere 112-10 'Leed ee Pb {mere P1391539 els't Atria-niece Ventures (Fly) Ltd. ?rzemyn Uneergreuntl ?eet Mlne Acting Directer-Geneml Ef?- 6 HLHIIHER: 1?llm'll'll'51l?l'tu'myn UEEHBE accecc Tin Magnesium gag-Mg {mall} pH at 25 degrees Celsius "In?ngs Sulphate as 50:1 {mgll} aggagg Telal dleaclverl sclicla {mglr?F 13131115139 amend: Uranium Vanadium Ell?1.5 Manganese as Mn {mgll} zinc as an {?1ng) LEM 5 .1 5. MDHITDRIHG 5.1 The Licensee shall meniter surface water te determlne the impact cf the facility and ether ectlvitles by taking samples at the as set cut in Table 6 belcw: Table 6: Eu rfaee Water muniterlng pelnta I Site Name 5P5 ce-erdinates _l am as?? 13' 33.4" 1? 23.2" SW2 TB 19.2? SW3 52?? 13 36.2 13' 56.1 SW4 52?? 13' 4?.53" 18? 31.50" aws as?? 13? cacc? 19' 12.32" SW5 12' 44.9?" 19' 25.?3" Page Ill?! :11 51 area-Africa ?u'enlures {Ply} Llrl, Tzennyn Underground Gael Mina amine Nectar-General HUH BER: LICENSE MCI: NAEFBIJHTEE SW5 52?? 12' 50.51" 1513.55? 52?? 1.131r 39.45" 35.52" 5W5 12' 135-53? 13' SW9 52?? 12' 39.43" EST 35.52? SW10 52?? 12' 06.5?" 15" 23.34" 5.2 The date. time and mcnitcring paint in respect cf each sample taken shall be reccrded tcgether the ens lysis results. 5.3 Analysis shall he carried cut in with prescribed by and chteinahle the Ecuth African Standards. 5.4 The ct analysis shall net he changed withcut he and written by the Mlnister. 5.5 The quantity ct water ccnteinlng waste must lee metered and reccrded daily. 5.5 The quality cf the water ccntelning waste shall he mcnitcred by tal-a'ng grab samples UHEEI ITI DHii'l . variables; EDIE-DUDE GGOGDUG Aluminium as Al {mgil} Calcium as Ea {mgil} Tctal as Gr {mgil} Hexavalent {mgil} l[ficlzlalt as Cc {mgl'r} lEcpper as Cu {mgil} Flucrides as ircn as Fe {mgil} Lead as Pi: [mgf? Magnesium as Mg {mgfl} pH at 25 degrees Eelsius Sulphate as $04 {mgl?l} Tctel Eclids {mgilj Tctal Manganese as Mn Alhs-Atnce Ventures Ltd. ?I'sermyn Lirldelgrcund Ecal MINE Page 41 ef51 Each sample shall be analysed tc 4.4 the Acting Direncr-Gensret FILE HUM BER: 1H2i'l'l'll'i'51?'?rmyn LEGEHEE ED: Dahlili'l NACFGUMTEE Eine as En {mgll} Electrical ?enduetivihr {m?tmi An Aquatic appreved by the Ftegleeal Head must establish a meniterlng pregramme fer the fellewing indicss: Invertebrate Habitat Assessment System and the latest SASS [Seuth Atrlcan Scaring System]. Sampling must be dens ence during the summer seasen and during the winter seasen. arlnualiy1 te re?ect the status at the river upstream and ef the mining activities. 5.3 Water quality testing te be psrlenned en the all lacillties en a quarterly basis in erdsr te deten?nlns the rislts te the snvirenment. The data gathered in the investigatien must be reperted annually is the ngienal Head. if any eenesntratiens levels as specified sbevs are the Licensee must institute an te determine the cause at peer water quality. 5.9 Analysis shall be carried but In aecerdance with metheds prescribed by and ebtainable fren1 the Seuth African Natienel Standards. 5.10 The metheds ef anaiysis shall net be changed witheut prier neti?eatien is and written apprev'ai by the Minister. 5.11 The greundvvater medal must be updated as mere inl?ermatien en the menitering bereheles bscemss available. This will add signi?cant value In terms at greendvvetsr management and understanding el the an utter behavieur. 5.12 The greundwater levels needs is be menitered te ensure that the greundwater cernpenent ef the Reserve is net impacted en negatively. 5.13 Measures must be censidered te re-ese water centainirlg waste er tsehnelegiesl treatment eptiens investigated and implemented. . 5.14 plans must be fermulated fer accidental breach ct sterage facilities fer I.vasts emanating frern the abcve facliities and submitted te the Department 1within a year cf the licence being issued. 6 Greundwater Menlterlng 6.1 The Licensee shall meniter greuedwater ts deten'nins the impact at the activlties en greund water quality by taking as at the menitcring bereheles described in Table Page 42 at 51 Alina-Africa ventures tF-?tyji Ltd. saline Dimmer-General Tammyn Lh'rdarlgreur? Gael i'uilns FILE HUIIBER: L1CE NEE ND: 't'etJ-te Groundwater monitoring points 000 Name one 0300000000 00H 4 0 0000000000 00.000000r EBH 1 00001000"): 000010000 "000 00 0000000000: 00.000000 00H 25 00000001 0: 000000000 00H 45 00000000 .0 00000000 35H 55 0000000000 00.000010.r 00H 35 0000010000 00 00000?r C-BH 3D 00.000000! 00H 00 00000004 0 2122559?? 00H 00 00000000 .0 000000000 00H 0 0000000000 0 0001000?? 00H 00 0000000000 000000000 00H 00 00000010 0: EBH 3D I i 000000000 '62 The ground water monitoring network should extend to the exit 000000000 of the site. The updated ground water and 000000 water monitoring network shell he submitted to the Regional Direotor for approval within days of oommenoemeot of mining- Page 40 of 01 01000100 0000000 L00. raging mentor-General WW0 51; ?0 00/; . 5.3 6.4 6.5 5.5 5.3 6.9 FILE NUMBER: mountains-mm LICENSE No: oewsmeosouarzs Groundwater monitoring shall be done on a quarterly basis and must ooineide with seasonal events i.e. dry and wet season. The Lioensea shall oompila groundwater monitoring report and suhr'ntl it to the Regional Direolor on a quarterly basis, within one month of the groundwater sampiing- ly'lon'rtoring ooints shall not he ohanged prior to notification to and written approval by the Regional Director. The Groundwater monitoring programme must inolude the fotlowing: Souroe monitoring to eyaluate the impact thereof on the groundwater Plume monitoring to evaluate the migration rates and shemioal ohangas along the pathway; impaot monitoring to serve as early warning systems for oontamination break-through at areas of oonoern; and Baokground monitoring to evaluate the impact of a speoi?o aotiontpoliution souroe on the groundwater chemistry. Analysis shall he carried out in with methods presorloed by and obtainable from the South Atrioan National Standards. The methods of analysis shall net he ohangad without prior notitioation to and written approyal lay the Regionai Head. The Llosnsee shall monitor the quality of ground water at the monitoring ooint as set out in Table anh samoie must be analysed. to condition 5.5 for the following Aluminium as Al {mgtii Galoium as Ea {mgtl} Total Chromium ss Cl?fn?tgfi] Heaayalent Chromium [mgti] Cobalt as Do {mgil} as Cu [mgtl] Flourides as {mgtl} iron as Fe trngi'l} Lead as F'h {mgil} Magnesium as Mg {mgili pH at 25 degrees Eelsius Sulphate as S04 {mgd} Total Dissolved Solids {mgi'li Total Manganese as Mn Eino as En {nigh} Electrical Conductivity [mSi'rn] Page 44 of 51 ethos-Wis: Mahatma [Ptyi Ltd. satin-lg Direetmalamurea gm T.'l FILE HUHBEH: LICENEE NH: 1151?? NAEFEIJH-TEE iesei {Mb-gt} Cadmiumss?dtmgil} WATER REEDUREE PHDTEETIDN The impacts at the industrial activities en the grcundwater shalt exceed the fcilcwing limits as indicated in the Table 3: Table 3: Grcundweter ilmit 3.2 13 3.4 'variasls Um? w55-55mm I 555 Tctai Aihaiin?y as Ea??atmgh} 555-555 15-15 c1 .5 Calcium {mail} scan [m5lm} I ?171": 55:55:15 {mail} .. .. 151 15-55 . 5.5-5.5 Flucride {mail} 5-5 5. REPcaTmc 3.1 The Licensee shall update the I.Itrater balance annually and calculate the leads at Iwaste emanating tram the activities. The Licensee shalt determine the at their activities tc the mass balance far the rescurces and must lurthermcre cc-ecerate 1with ether water users In the catchment ta determine the mass balance fer the water rescurce reserve cempliance paint. The Licensee shall submit the results at anatysis fer the menitcn'ng requirements tc the F-?tsgicnal Directcr en a quarterly basis. A quaii?ed Wetland specialist must within each and every six manths submit a written repel-l tn the Ragicnsl Directcr an the status at the wetlands. Lang term mitigaticn measures Acid Mine Drainage that will include passive systems must be investigated and resulted upcn 1within 12 menths ct' Elf this Page at 51 Ventures {Pty} Ltd. Acting Yeah-T1311 Undergmund Baal Mine 3.5 8.5 9.1 9.2 1D. 1i.'.l.1 113-3 FILE 1WM51ffzelmy1-i ND: The Licensee must submit te this Department a written metivaticn within 3 menths ct issuance at this licence that the risks and impacts pcsed tn the characteristics (surface flew. interilcw. ?cw. water cuality1 habitat and hints) at the waterccurses are minimal and that the waterccurses will be returned tc baseline ccnditicns cnce mining is plate. The Licensee must inicrrn the Department in writing ct any changes cn the quality cf surface water and groundwater, within 24 heurs at such change. All: EEBE The Licensee must exercise strict ct access in the prcperty tc ensure safety. thices unauthcn'sed from entering the access areas as well as internaticnally acceptable signs indicating the rislts in case cf an unauthorised entry must be displayed alcng the boundary fence at these areas. GDNTING ENEIEE Accurate and up-tc-date shall be kept at all system malfunctions resulting in with the requirements c-fthis licence. The shall be available inspecticn by the Acting Hegicnai Head upen request. Such malfunciicns shall be tabulated under the fcilcwing headings with a full espianaticn at all the circumstances: E.i.'i cperating 9.1.2 mechanical failures {Including design; installaticn er malntena nce]; 9.1.3 envircn mental tasters ie.g- tlcads}; 9.1-4 less at supply services pcwer failu rel: 9.1.5 ?ii'l-BI' causes The Licensee must. within tvventy icur {24] hcurs, nctify the Fiegicnat Direclcr cf the occurrence cr pctential eccunence at any incident which has the Patentiai tc cause. cr has caused water pcilutien. pcilutien cf the envircnment. health risks cr which is a cf the licence . The Licensee must. within tcurteen {14] days. at a pericd at time. as specified by the Hegicnal Directcr. the cr detecticn at any incident referred abcve. submit an acticn plan. which must include a detailed time schedule. tc the satisfacticn cf the Regicnal Directcr cf measures ta lien in: 9.3.1 ccrrect the impacts resulting ircm the incident; 9.3.2 prevent the incident ircrn causing any further impacts: and Page as diet Alba-aides Iii'cnturea {Ply} Ltd. Acting DIrectcr?Gcnerai ?r'zennvn Underarc-?und Casi Mine LICENCE ND: 9.3.3 prevent a recurrence of a similar incident. 11. AUDITING 11.1 The Licensee shall conduct an annual internal audit on compliance with the conditions of this licence. a report on the audit shall be submitted to the Regional Director within one month of finalisation of the report. and shail be made available to an estarnal auditor should the need arise. 11.2 The Licensee shall appoint an independent estemal auditor to conduct an annual audit on compliance with the conditions at this licence. The first audit must be conducted within 3 {three} months of the data this licence was issued and a report on the audit shall be submitted to the Fteglonal Director within one month of ?nalisation of the report. 12. STORM MANAG EM ENT 12.1 Stormwater leaving the Licensee?s premises shall in no way be contaminated by any substance. whether such substance is a solid. liquid. vapour or gas or a combination thereof which is produced. used. stored. dumped or spilled on the premises 12.2 Increase runoff due to vegetation clearance andior soil compaction must be managed. and steps must be taken to ensure that storrnwater does not lead to bank insta bitltv and excessive levels of silt entering the water resource. 12.3 necessary.r works must be constructed to attenuate the velocityr of anv storm water discharge and to protect the ban its at the affected watercourses. 12.4 Stormwater control works must be oonstruoted. operated and maintained in a sustainable manner throughout the impacted area. 12.5 All stormwater that would naturallyr mm across the potlution areas shall be diverted via channels and trapezoidal drains into the anti-pollution facility. 12.5 The polluted captured in the storm neuter oontroi dams shall be pumped to the process water treatment plant for rs-use and recycling. 12.1" The Licensee must ensure that the wetlands must not be polluted or destroyed because of the activities occurring within the ?r?zermvn Underground Coat ivlina site. 12-3 The Licensee must con?rm months of the issuance of this licence, ii' the ground slope in the area will not result in superoritlcal fiows in the clean water diversion cha nnets andr'or harms resulting in the to rrnation of gullevs. Page 41' at 51 Atha-ntrica Lid. Acting Dimstor-Gsnarat ?1519 FELE. NUMBER: LICENCE MD: 12.3 The Licensee must also proudda to this Department. In the report referred to in 12.3 above. the details of erosion protection measures that will be implemented at the clean runoff diversion outlet {including the attenuation facility outlet If applicahis?i. WATER AND WASTE MANAGEMENT 13.1 The Licensee shall update the Integrated Water and Waste Management plan and submit iorapprouei to the Regional Direetoron an annual basis. 13.2 The Lioensee shall make full financial provision for alt investigations, designs. construetion. operation and maintenance for a water treatment plant should it become a requirement as a long term water management strategy. 14 BUDGETARY PFt?ti'lElD N5 14-1- The water user must ensure that there Is a budget sufficient to complete and maintain the water use and for sucoessfui implementation of the rehabilitation program me- 14.2 The Department may at anyr stage of the prooass request proof of budgetaryr preulslo rte. Page all or 51 Nile-Al?e: 'I-I'enlures lPtyi Ltd. Mamet-General Hem-en Underground Desi I'i'llne FILE NUMBER: UCEHEE HD: ANN EILI HE Eectlert 11 at the Act: Remevlng ef water feund undergreund The licensee is authorised te remove a net exceeding 945? cubic metres {m3} car ennurn cf groundwater undergreund based en an average quantityr et 33 in:1 per dear. The licensee is authcrised te either ef the inte the FED an the term ?t?aermyn HT Pcrtic-n 1. 3. The disposal er discharge {if water inte the FED shelf take piece at the tellcwing lccetlen: Table 1: Summary ef Water Applied te-r mun'k?tt- I ?ti?te?r?lTi." 1 :1 . 'mm 5""11- I alder? kl" r. . Th" ELLENFH It. . . easiest? termite 4 Fin 1: greundweter Gcedgexrend en int-:1 95 itremheelt the edit and as HT 1: undergrcund Kremt'tcex 53 HT vie RE: rest: fissures Lax HT The quantity cf the water authcrisad to be remcved and diepesed cf intc the PCB in terme at this license meg:r net be exceeded prior eulherleettert by the Minister. The quetity cf the water the PCB eheli ect exceed the quality as specified in the Table belcw: Parameter I Maximum Geneentre?cn Eleetdeel Sedium {mail} EDD Page 4: cl'Et Patna-Africa Ventures {Fly} Ltd. Acting ?tin-mm Undergrcund Gael lutlne . (W ?it/r? 1D. '11. 12. 13. 14. FILE NUMBER: MCI: . Magneslum {"1944} 2n. thlerideiImg?} 15g SUIPthEtmgil} ?ice Nitratei'mgi'l} 15 cs PH sees The licensee shall prcyide any 1water user whcse water supply is impacted by the water use with petable water. The quantity cf water remcyed undergrcund must be metered and recorded an a deity basis. The greundwater leyets shalt be menitcred every six fence in the cf the dry seascn end cnce in the beginning at the wet seascn}. Self registenng ticw meters must he installed in the deliyery lines at easilyI accessible pcsiticns near the dewaterlng paints. The flew metering devices shall be maintained in a scund state ct repair and calibrated by a ccmpetent perscn at Interests cf net mere than ence in years- Sellbretlcn certi?cates shell be ayailable fer inspectlen by the Hegicnat Directcr cr hisi'her representatiye upen request- Salihraticn certificates In respect cf the pumps must be submitted is the Hegicnal Directcr after instellatlcn th arecf end thereafter at intervals cf years. The date end time at in respect cf each sample taken shall be reccrded together 1.Irith the resuits ef the analysis- Analysis shall be carried cut in with prescribed by and obtainable the Seuth African Sureau ct Standards. In terms cf the Standards Act, 1932 {Act St} cf 1932]. The metth at analysis shell be changed without ph'cr te the Page 51.1 ems-Africa Ventures tF'tyJ Ltd. siding Directcr-General Vaasmyn Urrdargreund Seal hint! 15. 15.1 15.2 15.3 1E. 11". FELE NUMBER: 1 LIBE NEE ND: licensee and written acpmyal lay the Minister cr hisfher delegated ncminee. The Regicnel Directcr must he infenned at any Incident that may lead te greu ndwater being dispensed ct tc the cf ilcense. by submitting a repert ccntaining the inferrnaticn: - nature at the incident egera?ttng mattuncticns. mechanlcal failures, entrircnmantal tasters. less at supply services. etc} acilcne teiten tc rectify the situaticn and tc prevent cclluticn er any ether damage te the and measures tc be taken tc prevent at any elmiler incident. The licensee shall feilew acceptable mainter?rance and cperatlcnel practices to ensure the censistent. effectiye and safe perfermanca cf the greundwater rerncyal system. Reasenahle measures must be taken to prcyida mechanical. Electrleal er cperatlcnal fallurea and melfuncticne cf the undergrcund water remdyal system. EHD DF LIEE NEE Page 51 cf 51 Iii'enturee tFty} Ltti. AeLi-ng Dimmer-General Undergrcund Ccel Hlna